Trayvon Martin
Before the second-degree murder trial of George Zimmerman has even been set, a trial of public opinion is ongoing for Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old, unarmed African American fatally shot by Zimmerman on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla....
Posted May 24, 2012
Having a “heavy heart” and being “devastated” were the main words that Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin used when the killer of their 17-year-old son, Trayvon Martin, was released on a $150,000 bond from the Sanford, Fla., jail.
Posted Apr 26, 2012
The arrest on April 11 of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin is an important victory. Millions of people in the U.S., however, agree that the struggle for justice for Martin is far from over....
Posted Apr 19, 2012
Students and community people marched and rallied April 16 at the Pontiac Academy for Excellence in Education to demand the school rehire teacher Brooke Harris, 26, who was terminated after her students participated in an educational project related to the struggle for justice for Trayvon Martin.
Posted Apr 18, 2012
Protests have continued around the country demanding justice for the African-American youth, Trayvon Martin, who was gunned down by vigilante George Zimmerman on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla. ...
Posted Apr 18, 2012
The movement that began when thousands of people filled Baltimore’s streets on March 26 has taken its next steps by protesting at the site of the proposed youth jail on April 10 and marching to City Hall to continuing organizing for justice....
Posted Apr 18, 2012
Statement by political prisoner Lynne Stewart....
Posted Apr 18, 2012
Yet another killing of an innocent Black man by police – this time, the very man the police had been called to assist – exposes the racist criminality of the entire police state in the U.S. ...
Posted Apr 12, 2012
Black Workers for Justice held its 29th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Banquet on April 7....
Posted Apr 12, 2012
George Zimmerman, the killer of the 17-year-old African American Trayvon Martin, was formally charged on April 11 with second-degree murder. It took the state of Florida 45 days to make an arrest of the wanna-be-cop Zimmerman, who fatally shot the unarmed teenager on Feb. 26 because he looked “suspicious” while wearing a hoodie....
Posted Apr 11, 2012
April 10 was declared “National Hoodie Day” and “An International Day for Justice” in honor of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old African American who was lynched by a vigilante’s bullet in Sanford, Fla.
Posted Apr 11, 2012
Why do some atrocities get a bigger mass response than others?...
Posted Apr 11, 2012
Statement by Latinos for Trayvon Martin issued at Hostos Community College in the Bronx, N.Y., on April 5.
Posted Apr 11, 2012
Racism has reared its head in a very ugly way in the United States over the past few months. ...
Posted Apr 11, 2012
El 3 de abril: Cada día que pasa sin la detención del asesino de Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, la ira y la indignación de todo el país entre las masas populares aumenta diez veces. Hace ya 37 días desde que Martin, un afroamericano de 17 años de edad fue herido mortalmente el 26 de febrero en Sanford, Florida, cuando regresaba de comprar té helado y una bolsa de caramelos Skittles. Un vigilante de barrio llamado Zimmerman había acechado al adolescente desarmado con una pistola de 9 mm, luego le disparó en el pecho mientras Martin gritaba pidiendo ayuda. La “excusa” de Zimmerman de atacar a Martin fue que el joven se veía “sospechoso” porque vestía con una sudadera con capucha.
Posted Apr 11, 2012
As each day passes without an arrest of Trayvon Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman, the anger and outrage around the country among the grassroots masses increase tenfold. ...
Posted Apr 4, 2012
As national outrage has grown against the racist murder of Trayvon Martin, protests have taken place around the country....
Posted Apr 4, 2012
What do Koch Industries, Verizon Communications Inc., Coors Brewing Co., Wal-Mart, the Altria Group (Philip Morris’ parent company), PhRMA, the American Bail Coalition and BellSouth Corp. have to do with the murder of Trayvon Martin?...
Posted Apr 4, 2012
A coalition of LGBT groups released “An Open Letter: Standing Alongside Trayvon Martin’s Family and Friends” on April 2:...
Posted Apr 4, 2012
Trayvon Martin’s name has become a universal rallying cry for justice in every nook and cranny of the unjust U.S....
Posted Mar 28, 2012
The Million Hoodie marches calling for justice for Trayvon Martin and an end to institutionalized racism are spreading like wildfire....
Posted Mar 28, 2012
Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old Black youth killed by racist vigilante George Zimmerman, was robbed of any opportunities that the future may have held for him....
Posted Mar 28, 2012
Thousands of outraged people from all walks of life gathered n New York City to protest the brutal murder of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American, on Feb. 26....
Posted Mar 22, 2012
Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African-American youth, was shot in the chest and killed at point-blank range by a vigilante on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla. ...
Posted Mar 20, 2012
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