Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ vision was that socialism would do away with this contradiction by doing away with private appropriation altogether. The idea was that in the capitalist countries where the level of production was high in comparison to the rest of world, the overthrow of capitalism in favor of a socialist society would improve the lot of the masses of people.
Posted Feb 22, 2012
If the mayor of New York City thought that he, his judge and his shock troops could put a halt to the Occupy Wall Street movement by raiding Zuccotti Park in the early hours of Nov. 15, he was wrong.
Posted Nov 22, 2011
Leading up to the Socialism Summit in Philadelphia on Nov. 18, a “Conversation on the Capitalist Economic Crisis” was held....
Posted Nov 22, 2011
Excerpted from a talk by WWP Secretariat member Deirdre Griswold to the Oct. 8-9 Workers World Party National Conference in New York City....
Posted Nov 22, 2011
Excerpted from a talk given by WWP Secretariat member Teresa Gutierrez at the WWP National Conference held in New York City Oct. 8-9....
Posted Oct 13, 2011
Excerpted from a talk given by WWP Secretariat member Larry Holmes at the WWP National Conference held in New York City, Oct. 8-9....
Posted Oct 13, 2011
Excerpts from a talk by a Durham, N.C., WWP branch organizer Cathey Stanley, at the Workers World Party National Conference on Oct. 8....
Posted Oct 13, 2011
Excerpts from a talk given by Fred Goldstein, WWP Secretariat member, at the Workers World Party National Conference held in New York City, Oct. 8-9....
Posted Oct 13, 2011
Under a banner that outlined the theme of the 2011 Workers World Party national conference, “Expand Occupy Wall Street, Shut Down Capitalism and Fight for Socialism,” activists of all ages and nationalities gathered at the Paul Robeson Auditorium in the South Bronx Oct. 8 and 9. They discussed the significance of the rapidly expanding Occupy Wall Street movement and the role workers and oppressed must play to bring a genuine anti-capitalist direction to this struggle....
Posted Oct 12, 2011
In 1901 the Socialist Party of America, after much ideological and political
struggle, emerged as a coalition of various factions within the socialist
movement. It had conservative, moderate and revolutionary tendencies within its
ranks. Eugene V. Debs, an organizer of workers in the railroad industry,
emerged as a charismatic figure, the party’s political candidate and a
public spokesperson for the socialist movement....
Posted Feb 19, 2011
From the Nov. 13 talk to the Workers World Party National
Conference by John Catalinotto, a managing editor of Workers World
Posted Jan 17, 2011
Excerpts from a talk given Nov. 13 by Lila Natalie
Goldstein, a Workers World Party member and Fight Imperialism, Stand Together
(FIST) organizer in Boston....
Posted Dec 20, 2010
Excerpts from a Nov. 13 talk given by LeiLani Dowell, a
Workers World managing editor and Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST)
organizer, at the Nov. 13-14 Workers World Party national conference....
Posted Dec 16, 2010
In many of the 35 solidarity statements Workers World Party received for its
Nov. 13-14 national conference, besides expressing solidarity, the
organizations focused on the capitalist economic crisis and the need for
workers to combat the austerity programs imposed on the working class....
Posted Dec 5, 2010
Excerpts from a talk by Gloria Verdieu at the
Workers World Party national conference. Verdieu is an organizer with the San
Diego International Action Center and the San Diego Coalition to Free Mumia
Posted Dec 2, 2010
Excerpts from a talk by Megan Spencer at the Workers World Party national
conference. A student activist and WWP member, Spencer is a co-founder of the
Coalition Against Sexual Violence at Michigan State University....
Posted Dec 2, 2010
Excerpts from a talk at the Workers World Party
national conference given by Betsey Piette, an organizer of the Philadelphia
branch of WWP and a WW contributing editor....
Posted Dec 2, 2010
Excerpts from the Nov. 13 talk given at the Workers
World Party national conference, by Phebe Eckfeldt, a leader of the Boston
branch and a representative of the Harvard Union of Technical and Clerical
Workers, AFSCME Local 3650....
Posted Nov 24, 2010
Excerpts from a Nov. 13 talk at the Workers World Party
national conference given by Monica Moorehead, member of the WW Secretariat, a
WW managing editor and editor of “Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle.”...
Posted Nov 24, 2010
Excerpts from a Nov. 13 talk at the Workers World Party
national conference by John Parker, a leader of the Los Angeles WW branch and a
coordinator of the West Coast International Action Center....
Posted Nov 23, 2010
Excerpts from a Nov. 13 talk at the Workers World Party
national conference by Martha Grevatt, a 23-year auto worker and United Auto
Workers activist, now in the Detroit branch. She had been a leading member of
the Cleveland branch for many years....
Posted Nov 23, 2010
Los siguientes son extractos de una charla por Teresa Gutiérrez
el 13 de noviembre en la conferencia nacional del Partido Workers World /Mundo
Obrero. Gutiérrez es miembro del Secretariado del Partido y líder de
la Coalición 1 de Mayo pro derechos de los y las trabajadoras e
Posted Nov 23, 2010
Talk given Nov. 13 at the Workers World Party
national conference by Larry Holmes, a member of the Secretariat of Workers
World Party and a leader of the Bail Out the People Movement....
Posted Nov 18, 2010
Excerpts from the Nov. 13 talk given at the Workers
World Party national conference by Teresa Gutierrez, a member of the
Secretariat of Workers World Party and a leader of the May 1 Coalition for
Worker and Immigrant Rights....
Posted Nov 18, 2010
Eexcerpts from the Nov. 13 talk at the Workers World
Party national conference by Fred Goldstein based upon a pre-conference
document entitled “The Capitalist Crisis.” Goldstein is a member of the Secretariat of
Workers World Party and the author of the book “Low-Wage Capitalism.”...
Posted Nov 18, 2010
Excerpts from the Nov. 13 talk given at the Workers World Party national conference by Larry
Hales, a founding member of Fight Imperialism, Stand Together
Posted Nov 18, 2010
Excerpts from the talk by Elena Everett, who introduced
the opening plenary of the Workers World Party conference on Nov. 13. Everett
is a founding member of the Durham, N.C., branch, which became the newest WWP
branch in April 2009....
Posted Nov 18, 2010
Some 300 Party members, friends and allies representing many important
struggles at home and abroad attended the annual Workers World Party national
conference Nov. 13-14. They came from cities where Party branches are located
and other parts of the country. Some revolutionaries traveled to the conference
from as far away as Canada and India. The very multinational crowd included
many young people....
Posted Nov 17, 2010
A standing-room crowd participated in Workers World
Party’s Southern Regional Conference, held Oct. 23 in Durham, N.C. The
conference was hosted by the Durham WWP branch. It is the first public conference on socialism in recent
memory held in this region of North Carolina, an anti-union, right-to-work
Posted Oct 27, 2010
Eighty people attended a Midwest conference that the Chicago branch of Workers
World Party hosted here on Sept. 18. Its theme: the need for a revolutionary
struggle against capitalism and for socialism....
Posted Sep 24, 2010
Known in the region as “the people’s library,” the Southern
California Library of Los Angeles was the site of the first Western Regional
“Abolish Capitalism, Fight Injustice — Conference on
Socialism” of Workers World Party....
Posted Sep 8, 2010
Statement being distributed at the U.S. Social Forum
in Detroit....
Posted Jun 23, 2010
The days when the conservative labor leadership has been able to hold the
working class in check are numbered. Its base is shrinking with each round of
concessions it makes to the bosses, with each sweetheart contract it signs. As
Sam Marcy noted, at the beginning of each crisis the workers are thrown back onto
the defensive. But sooner or later they will cry “Enough is
enough!” Then the tide will turn....
Posted Sep 18, 2009
There was a time when the captains of finance and industry were proud of
the label capitalist. Would you prefer an economy geared to meeting people’s needs (socialism)
or geared to producing profits for a few (capitalism)?...
Posted Apr 19, 2009
The struggle amongst the
Venezuelan people for a socialist revolution has far from died as the media
would have you believe....
Posted Feb 18, 2009
Excerpts from a talk given by David Hoskins at the WWP National
Conference, Nov. 15-16.
Posted Dec 12, 2008
Larry Hales, a leader of Fight Imperialism, Stand Together and Contributing Editor to Workers World newspaper.
Posted Nov 20, 2008
An alliance of African Americans, Latin@s, large sections of the working class,
youth and women of all nationalities led to the victory of Sen. Barack Obama on
Nov. 4....
Posted Nov 12, 2008
There is nothing socialistic in throwing money down
the rathole of a capitalist economic crisis to rescue
institutions that have been key to the process of
exploiting the working class....
Posted Nov 9, 2008
The large majority of participants came from the former
colonial countries, what today is called “the South.” About an
equal number were from Asia and Africa; more came from Latin America, since
there was a large Cuban and Venezuelan participation. There were both East and
West Europeans....
Posted Nov 8, 2008
On Wall Street the other day, at a rally demanding that public funds be used to
bail out the people and not the bankers, no one had a kind word for
Posted Oct 31, 2008
Three-quarters of a million workers have already been laid off this year,
bringing the official total of unemployed to over 9 million. Trillions of
dollars in retirement funds have been wiped out in the stock market in the last
few months. Over 10,000 households a day are being foreclosed, and evictions
are rampant. Money for student loans has dried up. Credit card debt is at a
record high. Unemployment is rising along with food, utility and gas prices.
Production and sales are falling relentlessly. The forecast is for things to
get worse—a lot worse....
Posted Oct 26, 2008
An April 28 Washington Post editorial grudgingly admits the Cuban economy is
growing and life for Cuban workers is improving....
Posted May 1, 2008
International Women's Day has a long, proud history....
Posted Mar 27, 2008
Excerpts from two WW articles in 1968.on the 1968 French uprising began on May
Posted Mar 20, 2008
Students and community members gathered at Baldwin-Wallace College on March 3
to hear two students debate socioeconomic ideology....
Posted Mar 16, 2008
Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center, delivered a
30-minute assembly program on Feb. 8 to the 1,000-person student body of
Phillips Exeter Academy....
Posted Feb 14, 2008
This compilation of articles and speeches places the struggle for African
reparations within a broad political context that encompasses the overall
movements against national oppression, capitalism, imperialism and for
Posted Nov 15, 2007
Stop a minute and consider this: socialist Cuba has survived against all odds.
It inspires people around the world, and for millions revolutionary Cuba
represents a David vs. Goliath victory against the greatest enemy of humankind,
U.S. imperialism....
Posted Oct 22, 2007
Sam Marcy's "The Bolsheviks and War: Lessons for
Today's Anti-war Movement" is a work that has gained greatly in
importance since he wrote it in 1985....
Posted Sep 23, 2007
A wide range of progressive community organizations and individuals
participated in the 19th annual Garvey Day in Milwaukee, sponsored by Africans
on the Move....
Posted Aug 27, 2007
"I want to bring the revolution's humanity to those aspects of life
that it hasn't reached because of old prejudices," Mariela Castro
Espin, who has worked hard to eradicate pre-revolutionary prejudices about
same-sex love, transsexuality and gender variance in Cuba, said in summer 2006....
Posted Aug 18, 2007
Not too much has appeared in the U.S. media lately about the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea. In this case, no news is good news....
Posted Jun 22, 2007
The first revolutionary step toward the liberation of sexuality, gender
expression and oppressed sexes in Cuba was the dismantling of the
sex-for-profit industry and interconnected gambling dens and drug-distribution
Posted Feb 21, 2007
When Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez first declared he was a socialist
during a news conference at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in
January of 2005, his announcement initiated a political chain reaction both in
his country and internationally....
Posted Jan 26, 2007
Jorge Farinacci
García, the principal leader of the Socialist Front of Puerto Rico, died
Aug. 26, after waging a year-long battle against cancer. In the
political movement, we called him Fari....
Posted Sep 12, 2006
Second part of a talk by Bryan G. Pfeifer, a contributing
editor of Workers World, to the May 13-14 WWP conference on Preparing for
the Rebirth of the Global Struggle for Socialism, held in
New York. It has been edited for publication....
Posted Jul 9, 2006
Excerpts from an official BAYAN-USA statement presented by
Berna Ellorin at the May 13-14 “Preparing for the Rebirth of the Global
Struggle for Socialism” conference...
Posted May 26, 2006
How do we build mass revolutionary consciousness among oppressed
nationalities and working people in this nation? How do we get working people to
become conscious of themselves as an exploited and oppressed class while also
taking into consideration the deeper divisions that are centered on race and
gender? ...
Posted May 19, 2006
We have to be clear about what is historically necessary and how our role
will be decisive, because while our comrades are fighting imperialism around the
world, they are waiting for us to kick the shit out of imperialism here....
Posted May 19, 2006
Immigrant workers on the
march! Justice for Katrina and Rita evacuees! Organizing to stop imperialist
war! Youth and students fighting for a brighter future! What do all these
issues have in common? They are just some of the important developments and
struggles that will be major topics for discussion at the upcoming national
conference entitled, “Preparing for the rebirth of the world struggle for
socialism.” ...
Posted Apr 27, 2006
What has
made the Cuban Revolution unique? Why is it such a beacon to the workers and
oppressed masses, not only of Latin America and the Caribbean but around the
Posted Jan 8, 2006
On Jan. 20, Workers World featured an article by Fred Goldstein titled "Cuba leads the world in managing disasters." It was written in connection with the tsunami that took place in the Indian Ocean and killed hundreds of thousands of people. ...
Posted Sep 21, 2005
“There is nothing
intrinsic to socialism—a planned economy in a workers’
state—that lends itself to anti-gay bigotry or any other form of divisive
ideology,” well-known transgender lesbian activist Leslie Feinberg
stressed at West Coast public meetings July 15-18. “Capitalism, on the
other hand, is a dog-eat-dog economy that requires divide-and conquer
Posted Jul 21, 2005
This June will mark the 25th anniversary of the assassination
of Walter Rodney--an African-Caribbean Marxist revolutionary activist,
theoretician and internationalist. ...
Posted Feb 17, 2005
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