Embattled state & local workers
The massive demonstrations and occupation of the Capitol in Madison, Wis.,
signal the end of three decades of union retreat. This struggle has awakened a
new activism, resistance and solidarity by labor, communities and students not
seen in this country in many decades....
Posted Apr 5, 2011
Public sector unions, not the banks, are being demonized for the current budget
crisis. These unions are dominated by women and reflect the growth of the
low-wage service sector within the capitalist economy....
Posted Mar 25, 2011
The passage of right-wing Gov. Scott Walker’s union-busting bill should
not be the end of the story in Wisconsin. It should be the beginning of a new
phase of escalated struggle by the unions, the community and students to
overturn this illegal denial of workers’ rights....
Posted Mar 16, 2011
Students from the Social Justice Academy in Hyde Park militantly marched on
March 2, chanting, “SOS - Save our Schools!” SJA was one of 18
schools that Mayor Thomas Menino’s Boston School Committee voted to close
last December...
Posted Mar 10, 2011
On March 2 students and and their labor-community allies protested at
Wayne State University as part of the National Day of Action to Defend Public
Posted Mar 10, 2011
Students in high schools, colleges and universities throughout the U.S. walked
out of classes, mainly on March 2, to help launch a month-long protest against
cutbacks in public education, including the closing of schools and mass layoffs
of teachers....
Posted Mar 10, 2011
The city of Providence, R.I., sent termination letters Feb. 23 to all of its
1,926 teachers....
Posted Mar 10, 2011
The great struggle of the Wisconsin public workers has galvanized union
solidarity on a national level not seen since 1981. That was when the AFL-CIO
organized the Solidarity Day demonstration of half a million workers in
Washington, D.C., after President Ronald Reagan had fired 18,000 air traffic
controllers, members of the PATCO union, and banned them from federal
employment for life. But Solidarity Day in 1981 was a one-shot, symbolic action that came and went because the issue was quickly abandoned by the top leadership after the demonstration was over. This time it’s different....
Posted Mar 9, 2011
On Feb. 22, Ohio unionists and their supporters poured into Columbus, the
capital of Ohio. More than 8,000 people carried signs that said, “From
Wisconsin to Ohio, No to Union Busting.”...
Posted Mar 3, 2011
The Labor, Faith and Civil Rights Coalition in Defense of the Public Sector
rallied in Raleigh, N.C., on Feb. 21. Workers and community members showed
support for Wisconsin workers, who are fighting to maintain collective
rights, and demanded these rights in North Carolina, where they were
banned in 1959....
Posted Mar 3, 2011
A mighty giant is beginning to awaken. The fighting workers and youth of
Wisconsin, who are battling a right-wing offensive seeking to decimate
collective bargaining in that state, have inspired and put in motion the
multinational working class throughout the entire United States....
Posted Mar 2, 2011
The people’s liberation of the state Capitol in Madison, Wis., is in full
Posted Feb 23, 2011
Workers World Party salutes the workers of Wisconsin who
through their sacrifice and fortitude are showing the way for workers
Posted Feb 23, 2011
Inside the state Capitol building in Madison, Wis., the halls normally filled with politicians and corporate lobbyists are now occupied by thousands of people. Banners and posters with messages of solidarity and slogans denouncing Gov. Scott Walker's attack on the public sector hang from every wall. ...
Posted Feb 21, 2011
The people’s liberation of the state Capitol in Madison, Wis., is in full swing....
Posted Feb 21, 2011
Since Feb. 14, tens of thousands of students, workers and other
community members have liberated the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison in response
to Gov. Scott Walker’s “budget repair” bill, which would
eliminate collective bargaining rights for 175,000 public sector union workers
Posted Feb 17, 2011
On behalf of the banks, the corporations and the Pentagon, Wisconsin Gov. Scott
Walker has declared all-out war on unions and their allies....
Posted Feb 16, 2011
State mental health workers from across North Carolina spoke out before a
“listening panel” on Feb. 5. They discussed the impact of
inadequate working conditions and the policies and budget decisions that affect
delivery of quality care for people with psychiatric and developmental
Posted Feb 10, 2011
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2011, over 250 people marched through downtown Chapel Hill, N.C., demanding “Rehire the Sanitation Two.” The Sanitation Two, Clyde Clark and Kerry Bigelow, are two leaders of the Chapel Hill Chapter of United Electrical Workers Local 150, North Carolina’s Public Service Workers Union...
Posted Jan 20, 2011
On Jan. 3, hundreds of people met at the site of the Talgo manufacturing plant
in Milwaukee, Wis., and traveled by bus to Madison, Wis., to protest Scott
Walker’s inauguration as governor at the State Capitol....
Posted Jan 17, 2011
On Jan. 7 New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg handed the Municipal Labor Committee,
which includes all public sector workers and is headed by sanitation
workers’ union President Harry Nespoli, a 23-point document that
advocates gutting many protections for municipal workers now included in union
collective bargaining agreements and New York State civil service law....
Posted Jan 15, 2011
New York and the rest of the
Northeast took the brunt of a blizzard starting Dec. 26, with snowfall totals measuring from
20 to 32 inches. The follow-up to this storm has raised the stakes as Wall
Street and the banks are on the attack against unionized public service workers
and insist on eliminating jobs....
Posted Jan 8, 2011
In February 1968, some 7,000 sanitation workers gathered in New York’s
City Hall Park and voted to go on strike to get a decent contract. Two days after New York’s 1968 strike ended, the sanitation workers of
Memphis, Tenn., also went on strike....
Posted Jan 8, 2011
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