In November 2005, a squad of U.S. Marines made a night raid on homes in Haditha, Iraq....
Posted Feb 4, 2012
Unlike others, this uprising and the merciless repression which has followed it have been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. It took place in Iraq, a country which is still occupied by tens of thousands of U.S. troops, and whose puppet government is completely under the thumb of the United States....
Posted May 15, 2011
Defying threats from the puppet government and several party militias,
thousands of Iraqis from Basra in the south to Suleimaniya in the Kurdish north
took to the streets Feb. 25 in a “Great Day of Anger” inspired by
the uprisings across the Arab world....
Posted Mar 6, 2011
As popular revolts spread across the Arab world, now breaking out in Morocco
and Algeria, Jordan, Yemen and Bahrain, even in Kuwait, it is important to
remember one of the nations in this region that faces a special situation: It
is forcibly occupied by 50,000 U.S. troops....
Posted Feb 26, 2011
Birth defect rates in Fallujah, Iraq, have become increasingly alarming over the past
two years....
Posted Jan 9, 2011
A prisoner was kneeling on the ground, blindfolded and handcuffed, when an
Iraqi soldier kicked him in the neck. A U.S. marine sergeant was watching and
reported the incident, which was duly recorded and deemed “valid.”
The outcome: “No investigation required.”
This is only one incident covered in the almost 400,000 leaked secret war
documents published by WikiLeaks on Oct. 22....
Posted Oct 27, 2010
From the point of view of the U.S. government and the Pentagon, the U.S. has
begun to wind down its military occupation of Iraq, now in the middle of its
eighth year....
Posted Sep 6, 2010
A new generation of “Plumbers” seems to be at work, trying to
discredit the leak of secret government war documents. Their first attempt has
failed. An arrest warrant on a rape charge filed in Sweden on Aug. 21 against Julian
Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was withdrawn within hours....
Posted Aug 25, 2010
Groups opposing the U.S. occupation of Iraq say they will go on with a
conference set for mid-June despite the Spanish government’s reversal of
earlier promises to issue visas to Iraqi participants....
Posted Jun 7, 2010
The following military maxim, “Bad leadership leads to bad
behavior,” should condemn the Pentagon brass. On April 5, the
organization WikiLeaks released a horrific video that vividly exposed the true
character of the U.S.-led war of occupation in Iraq. Surreptitiously leaked
from the Pentagon, the video portrayed graphic details of a massacre which
killed at least 11 helpless civilians, including two Reuters journalists, and
severely wounded two children. Two former GIs from the ground unit shown in the video, Josh Siebert and
Ethan McCord, have stepped forward to take responsibility and apologize to the
victims of the massacre....
Posted May 2, 2010
The seventh anniversary of the criminal U.S.-British occupation of Iraq on
March 20 gave impetus to demonstrations in cities around the world. Anti-war
protesters could not forget the suffering this U.S.-led aggression has imposed
on the Iraqis, killing over a million and driving 5 million people into
Posted Mar 24, 2010
There are nearly 100,000 U.S. troops in Iraq seven years after the
illegal aggression, plus an equal number of “contractors” —
mercenaries. The U.S. occupation has left more than 1 million dead and created
5 million refugees. Anyone who opposes this war should join the protests in
Washington or other regional centers on March 20....
Posted Mar 11, 2010
As the March 7 national election approaches in Iraq, the number of U.S. troops
occupying the country has slipped below 100,000 for the first time since the
U.S.-led invasion seven years ago. The Pentagon plans to change the name of its
Iraq effort on Sept. 1, from “Operation Iraqi Freedom” to
“Operation New Dawn” when 50,000 troops remain....
Posted Feb 28, 2010
The murderous mercenary outfit formerly known as Blackwater and now called Xe
has been making headlines all January, with most stories showing how deeply
committed the CIA and Pentagon are to outsourcing a portion of the task of
re-conquering the former colonial world....
Posted Jan 17, 2010
At a national assembly of U.S. Labor Against the War held in Chicago Dec. 4-6,
a resolution was passed unanimously that called for “an immediate end to
the wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan and military attacks in
Pakistan.” The resolution also declared that “USLAW calls for the
immediate and complete withdrawal of all U.S. military forces and contractors
from Iraq and Afghanistan and the closing of all U.S. military bases in both
Posted Dec 17, 2009
In the high Spanish court called the Audiencia Nacional, charges for
international crimes had already been lodged against Chilean dictator Augusto
Pinochet and other nefarious world leaders. On Oct. 6, new charges were brought
charging Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, George H. W. Bush, George
W. Bush, Gordon Brown and Barack Obama with crimes against humanity for their
responsibility for harming the people of Iraq....
Posted Oct 25, 2009
Coordinated anti-war demonstrations took place around the U.S. on Oct. 17 to
mark the eighth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and to demand
an end to the U.S.-led war and occupation there as well as in Iraq....
Posted Oct 25, 2009
The Iraqi people celebrated on Sept. 15 when Muntadhar al-Zaidi was released
from a Baghdad jail after nine months in prison....
Posted Sep 23, 2009
In the imperialist media, there is no equality among victims or alleged victims
of state repression.
In June a young woman was killed in Iran. It is unclear who killed her or why.
Yet Iran is a U.S. “enemy,” and so the whole world knows her given
name—Neda. Her face quickly showed up on the T-shirts of protesters.
By Aug. 4, the usurpers in Honduras had killed six people who were peacefully
protesting the military coup. Unless you follow the progressive
Spanish-language press, you might not know this even happened. Of course you
haven’t heard their names....
Posted Aug 9, 2009
U.S. Army Sgt. John Russell shot to death five U.S. troops on May 11 at Camp
Liberty, one of the largest U.S. installations in Iraq. This act put into focus
the relationship of the personal to the political in a war zone....
Posted May 21, 2009
Eighty days into the new U.S. administration and Iraq is still with us. That
is, U.S. troops are still occupying Iraq. And the Barack Obama administration
has asked Congress for another $83.4 billion to carry out the occupations of
Iraq and Afghanistan....
Posted Apr 18, 2009
Protests across the country on March 19 and 21 marked the sixth anniversary of
the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan in varied ways.
Clearly the charge that “Occupation is a crime—from Iraq to
Palestine” will not stop until the U.S. troops are withdrawn, regardless
of the economic crisis or any change in the political administration of the
U.S. government....
Posted Mar 25, 2009
Iraqi journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi received a 3-year prison sentence on
March 12 for hurling his shoes at George W. Bush in a courageous act of
contempt that reverberated around the world. ...
Posted Mar 22, 2009
The news from Iraq is starting to remind veteran political analysts of the
events four decades ago in South Vietnam as successive U.S. puppet governments
disintegrated under the weight of tremendous popular sentiment, with a
liberation war knocking at the door....
Posted Dec 22, 2008
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