The establishment media is full of speculation about whether the U.S. and its NATO allies will intervene directly in Syria and Iran. The war, however, has already begun. It is being waged on the propaganda and the political front, in the banks and boardrooms, and according to recent WikiLeaks, on the covert military front as well. Every week this war intensifies....
Posted Mar 20, 2012
Hundreds rallied outside the racist American Israel Public Affairs Committee Conference in Washington, D.C....
Posted Mar 9, 2012
With just a few days to organize, the American-Iranian Friendship Committee called a protest....
Posted Mar 9, 2012
Many anti-war organizations across the United States and in several other countries came together on Feb. 4 to protest the rising crescendo of threats against Iran. In more than 30 U.S. states and 80 cities, large and small, groups joined forces to raise four key demands: "No war, no sanctions, no intervention, no assassinations!"
Posted Feb 8, 2012
U.S.-based anti-imperialist and anti-war organizations have called for protest demonstrations to stop U.S. aggression aimed at Iran on Feb. 4, calling it a “global day of action.” As of Jan. 29, the movement had grown to include protests in 48 U.S. cities, plus cities in five other countries.
Posted Feb 1, 2012
U.S.-based anti-imperialist and anti-war organizations have called for protest demonstrations against U.S. aggression aimed at Iran on Feb. 4, calling it a “global day of action.”...
Posted Jan 29, 2012
There is growing apprehension that through miscalculation, deliberate provocation or a staged false flag operation, a U.S. war with Iran is imminent....
Posted Jan 18, 2012
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to four countries in Latin America and the Caribbean highlights the commitment of the members of the Bolivarian Alliance of Our America (ALBA) to defy U.S. threats and act as sovereign, independent nations....
Posted Jan 18, 2012
Stop the campaign of terror against Iran and its scientists...
Posted Jan 18, 2012
As 2012 began, Washington’s actions and threats gave substance to U.S. imperialism’s long-standing war plans against Iran. The actions included sanctions aimed at breaking Iran’s economy, warship deployments off Iran’s shores and plans for joint war exercises with Israel....
Posted Jan 11, 2012
The International Atomic Energy Agency made public the names of Iranian nuclear scientists in a new report released this week. Publishing their names makes these scientists targets for assassination.
Posted Nov 23, 2011
Washington’s slanderous campaign against Iran for an alleged assassination plot lacks evidence and fails every test of logic. Many people have raised questions as to its truth. But there’s an even more important question to ask: Why is the U.S. government desperate to use an unbelievable pretext to begin a campaign of sanctions and possible war against Iran?...
Posted Oct 13, 2011
A people-to-people delegation that included two members of the International
Action Center arrived in Tehran, Iran, Oct. 9 to increase solidarity with the
people of Iran, defend Iran’s sovereignty and stop the accelerated U.S.
push for war against Iran....
Posted Oct 24, 2010
More than 100 activists and journalists from a variety of organizations,
religious groups and media outlets attended a gathering with Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the Warwick Hotel here Sept. 21. The leader of the
Islamic Republic of Iran was in the city to attend the annual United Nations
General Assembly....
Posted Sep 30, 2010
A month-long meeting, involving 189 countries, is underway at the United
Nations. It’s the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review. ...
Posted May 15, 2010
From a letter was written by Iranian progressives:
Today the big question facing the peace and justice movement is whether
Washington is planning a military attack against Iran. Shocking as such a
thought might be, this is exactly what is being debated and contemplated at the
highest levels of American politics....
Posted Jan 28, 2010
The G-20 meeting in Pittsburgh gathered the finance ministers, top bankers and
political leaders of the world’s largest economies, ostensibly to take up
the most serious economic collapse of capitalism in three generations. Instead,
they attacked Iran....
Posted Oct 4, 2009
Even a country that possesses arms as powerful as those of the United States
cannot conquer through military might alone.
That is the lesson of this period of seemingly endless U.S. imperialist
invasions and occupations that began with the assault on Korea in 1950 and
continues to the present....
Posted Aug 5, 2009
The Stop War on Iran coalition, in
alliance with the International Action Center and other anti-war organizations
that work to bring understanding about developments in Iran to the U.S. public,
has organized a forum for Aug. 1 at 4 p.m. at the Solidarity Center in New
York. ...
Posted Jul 29, 2009
We in the anti-war movement need to be especially careful not to jump on the
bandwagon when the entire capitalist class, their media, the entire U.S.
Congress, and numerous organizations that received direct U.S. funding from the
so-called National Endowment for Democracy all speak with one voice in sudden
defense of a cause...
Posted Jul 24, 2009
The conflict in Iran that opened up with the June presidential elections there
has had an impact on the progressive and anti-imperialist movement worldwide,
including in the United States. Misunderstanding the events has created some
confusion in anti-war ranks. This is especially dangerous after Vice President
Joe Biden on July 5 gave a virtual green light to an Israeli attack on Iran.
The anti-war movement must stay alert to protest any move in that
Posted Jul 20, 2009
The media’s focus shifted June 29 from Central Asia to Central America.
The lies continued in the corporate media, only with fewer items on Iran, at
least this side of the Atlantic. It still showed the power of the Big
Lie—two Big Lies in this case, where an omnipresent media machine gives
the impression that everyone believes something and therefore it must be
The first lie is that there was significant electoral fraud that stole the
election for the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. There is no evidence
that this is so. ...
Posted Jul 1, 2009
The confrontation among Iran’s ruling politicians that has brought large
crowds into the streets of Tehran is not taking place in isolation. It is
happening in a country still facing U.S. sanctions and warships, hostility from
every imperialist capital and venom from the West’s corporate media.
This confrontation follows 30 years of a concerted effort by the U.S. and other
imperialists to turn back the enormously popular revolution that took place in
1979. That revolution stopped short of moving Iran toward socialism. But it
broke the grip of the imperialist overseers and their puppet shah over a
country that now has 71 million people in an area three times the size of
Posted Jun 24, 2009
The first thing to make clear about the Iranian election is that the U.S. and
other imperialist states have no right to intervene. The media here are now
filled with moralizing, even racist scolding of Iran over the election results.
Who are they to act so hoity-toity? Remember George W. Bush’s open theft
of the 2000 election in Florida?...
Posted Jun 17, 2009
In 2002, George W. Bush named Iran as part of an “axis of
evil,” warning about Iran’s “nuclear ambitions.”
Although International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors have found no evidence
of Iran developing a nuclear weapons program, Bush continues to state that Iran
is a “threat” to world peace....
Posted Oct 3, 2008
While much of the media and public attention has been on the Olympics and the
Republican and Democratic national conventions, the Pentagon has been ramping
up for what many believe is a planned attack on Iran....
Posted Sep 7, 2008
The impending arrival of new U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf
region will mark the largest build-up of U.S. naval forces in the area since
the 1991 Gulf War....
Posted Aug 15, 2008
On Aug. 1-3, anti-war activists in 100 U.S. cities, several cities in Canada,
and even in Kolkata, India, took to the streets in coordinated actions to
protest Pentagon preparations for a U.S.-Israeli war on Iran....
Posted Aug 15, 2008
“No War on Iran” was a slogan and chant that resonated across the
U.S. on the weekend of Aug. 1-2 as emergency marches, rallies, vigils,
teach-ins, honk-for-peace picketlines and leaflet distributions were held to
protest U.S.-Israeli war threats against Iran....
Posted Aug 6, 2008
Another moment of truth approaches. While Washington finally joined talks with
Tehran, Congress is still considering a resolution calling for an air, sea and
land blockade of Iran, opening one path to war...
Posted Jul 30, 2008
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