The Supreme Court has upheld the most onerous part of Arizona’s 2010 punitive law on immigration — the part that authorizes police to check the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest if they have reason to suspect that person is here without documents.
Posted Jun 28, 2012
It was a courageous act of solidarity. Two undocumented students risked deportation at a “Coming Out of the Shadows” action on March 14 to demand the release of a fellow undocumented immigrant. They were arrested for blocking traffic in front of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Philadelphia.
Posted Mar 21, 2012
Demonstrators rallied at the Alabama State Capitol on the afternoon of March 9, after completing the final leg of the 54-mile, week-long march between Selma and Montgomery. Marchers protested Alabama’s toughest-in-the-U.S. immigration law, for workers’ rights and against laws in 31 states requiring voters to show some form of identification at the polls.
Posted Mar 16, 2012
Hundreds of protesters of many nationalities and ages came together on Sept. 26 for a spirited march and rally in the West Hollywood area of Los Angeles....
Posted Oct 6, 2011
Seven undocumented youths blocked traffic in front of Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, N.C., on Sept. 6. This civil disobedience was protesting the inaction of the Democratic Party, the harsh anti-immigrant agenda of the Republicans and Tea Party, and the outrageous out-of-state tuition imposed on undocumented students to attend community college....
Posted Sep 29, 2011
Tens of thousands of immigrants and their supporters filled blocks of
Atlanta’s downtown streets on July 2 wearing white, carrying beautiful
banners and hand-printed signs, and chanting nonstop in English and
Posted Jul 7, 2011
At a press conference held June 29 outside Minute Men Staffing in the
predominantly Latino/a neighborhood of southwest Detroit, current and former
workers at Mastronardi Produce in Livonia, Mich., spoke of their dual
exploitation by the company and the Minute Men temporary agency....
Posted Jul 7, 2011
On May 3, the Tucson Unified School District board met once again to take up
the issue of Ethnic Studies. This meeting had been rescheduled from the
previous week, when nine courageous youth occupied the TUSD board
members’ seats and forced cancellation of the meeting....
Posted May 12, 2011
Nine days after the Georgia Legislature passed HB 87, an Arizona copycat law
that authorizes local and state police to require proof of citizenship or legal
residency from anyone suspected of being undocumented, the governor still had
not signed it into law....
Posted Apr 28, 2011
More than 1 million immigrants have been deported since President Barack Obama
took office. One million! This is a tsunami of injustice....
Posted Apr 27, 2011
Racist, reactionary forces in Arizona suffered a setback in the attempt to push
their racist program through the state legislature on March 17 when five bills
targeting immigrants and Latinos/as were soundly defeated in a Senate
Posted Apr 1, 2011
For more than three hours in midday on March 24, thousands of people packed the
street in front of the Georgia State Capitol to protest Arizona copycat bills
that would legalize racial profiling and institute a series of anti-immigrant
Posted Apr 1, 2011
This attack on the right of oppressed people to learn their own history is a
continuation of the racist, right-wing offensive unleashed in Arizona, which is
accelerating as the capitalist economic crisis deepens. Banning ethnic studies
and passing the infamous anti-immigrant law SB 1070 are attempts to whip up a
racist frenzy against Indigenous and Latino/a peoples and blame them for the
misery and suffering imposed by the capitalist system itself....
Posted Feb 6, 2011
Workers and activists packed the Solidarity Center Aug. 21 to participate in a
forum entitled, “What are the next steps in the fight for immigrant and
workers’ rights?” Speakers included representatives of community
groups, unions, and workers’ and youth organizations....
Posted Sep 2, 2010
Demonstrations around the U.S. called for the overturn of Arizona’s SB
1070 as the racist, anti-immigrant bill was scheduled to become law on July 29.
Although a federal judge issued an injunction on July 28 that temporarily
barred many components of the law from taking effect, activists rallied to
demand its total overturn and for full rights for all immigrant workers. Many
viewed the judge’s decision as a victory won through struggle....
Posted Aug 4, 2010
On July 31, under the pressure of a national campaign calling for her to honor
the boycott of Arizona, Lady Gaga, one the biggest icons in pop music, met with
local activists and used her Phoenix concert to speak out against SB1070....
Posted Aug 4, 2010
Despite a continuous onslaught of attacks against immigrant workers, resistance
and opposition continue to grow in the U.S. — not only against
Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070, but also against the entire campaign to
criminalize and drive workers born outside this country underground...
Posted Jul 28, 2010
Organizations from Arizona’s three major population centers —
Tucson, Flagstaff and Phoenix — met on July 17 to prepare coordinated
activities for July 29, the date of SB 1070’s implementation. SB 1070 is
a racist, anti-immigrant state law that is opposed by immigrant rights
advocates, progressives and justice-loving people in Arizona and around the
Posted Jul 26, 2010
Once again Tucson activists filled the intersection of Congress and Granada to
call for resistance to the notorious SB 1070 law, slated to take effect on July
29. Gathering in front of the state building on July 9, Tucsonans protested and
listened to local poets and spoken-word artists denounce SB 1070 and proclaim
“We will resist” this racist law....
Posted Jul 15, 2010
President Barack Obama gave a major address on immigration on July 1, after
much anticipation by the immigrant rights movement. If immigrants and supporters expected anything positive to come out of the speech, they were greatly disappointed. In fact, what President Obama endorsed as proposed policy is everything the movement has been fighting against, not only since 2006, but historically....
Posted Jul 9, 2010
Students and youth in the Student Immigration Movement spearheaded a dynamic
struggle called Mass Hope 2010 that won a significant victory for immigrant
Posted Jul 9, 2010
A June 11 demonstration in San Antonio, Texas, to protest the killing of 14-year-old
Mexican student Sergio Adrián Hernández Huereka by a U.S. Border
Patrol agent placed the blame for his killing on the U.S.’s
militarization of its border with Mexico....
Posted Jun 16, 2010
June 8 was the eighth day of a hunger strike being conducted by immigrant
Posted Jun 10, 2010
n the evening of
May 28 Anastasio Hernández Rojas, 42 years old, was tasered and beaten to
death by Border Patrol agents....
Posted Jun 10, 2010
Besides the ones in Arizona itself, protests in the United States and abroad
greeted a new Arizona anti-immigrant bill that was signed into law on April
Posted May 1, 2010
Myth: Immigrants are taking jobs away...
Posted May 1, 2010
Arizona’s sweeping, racist anti-immigrant bill has unleashed a firestorm
of outrage from Arizona’s oppressed communities. Even before Gov. Jan
Brewer signed it into law on April 23, Arizona students and youths had called
for protests of all kinds. The May Day action is expected to demonstrate this
Posted Apr 28, 2010
Despite all the assurances by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, the recent passing of
Senate Bill 1070 is a racist attack against the U.S. working class. SB 1070
— which uses local police forces to question people about their
documentation, and criminalizes immigrant workers — smacks of South
African apartheid and a host of other repressive laws from U.S. history and
Posted Apr 28, 2010
People here get insufficient and biased corporate media coverage of news south
of the border. Yet, the upcoming May Day that millions of immigrant people in
the U.S. resurrected in 2006 arouses reflection over the situation in the rest
of the Western Hemisphere — and why the U.S. government and corporate
media is so determined to hide it or, more often than not, present a completely
distorted picture of those countries’ reality....
Posted Apr 28, 2010
In the early morning hours of April 15, agents from Immigration and Customs
Enforcement, the FBI and other Homeland Security agencies launched a military
operation against Tucson’s mostly Latino/a and Indigenous south side
neighborhoods. Activist Kat Rodriguez said: “What we have experienced for the
last six hours is the terrorization of our community. People are afraid to
leave their home, afraid to go shopping, afraid to go to the hospital, afraid
to go anywhere.”...
Posted Apr 21, 2010
Almost one thousand immigrants and their supporters took their demands for
comprehensive immigration reform to the streets of Houston on March 21....
Posted Apr 9, 2010
On March 21 a multitude of immigrants and their supporters amassed in the
largest demonstration for immigrant rights in Washington, D.C., in decades, if
not ever....
Posted Mar 24, 2010
On March 21, tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people will be
demonstrating for immigrant rights in Washington, D.C.
The action arises from the frustration and deep anger that exist in the
immigrant community and among their supporters that despite a nonstop demand
for full rights for immigrants, especially legalization for the undocumented,
such pleas have been ignored by Washington....
Posted Mar 19, 2010
Teodoro Aguiluz, Central American Resource Center executive director, drew
loud applause when he told the crowd of almost 800 immigrants and their
supporters: “We’ve had enough.”...
Posted Feb 25, 2010
“¡Se ve, se siente! ¡El pueblo está presente! (You can see
it! You can feel it! The people are here!)” ...
Posted Jan 21, 2010
Excerpts from a talk by Teresa Gutierrez to the
WWP National Conference, Nov. 14: To add to the long list of crimes against humanity perpetrated by imperialism,
we can include today’s unprecedented wave of human migration. I speak not
only of the millions of undocumented migrants forced to leave their countries
in hazardous boats or sweltering windowless trucks, transport that too often
becomes the coffins for too many....
Posted Nov 19, 2009
A victory in the fight to end immigrant family detention was won when the Obama
administration announced on Aug. 6 that the T. Don Hutto immigrant detention
center, located 35 miles north of Austin, Texas, would stop incarcerating
families. “Today’s announcement is not just a victory for our Campaign to End
Immigrant Family Detention, but for an entire movement for justice that has
come together to close Hutto and to end immigrant family detention,” said
Bob Libal and Luissana Santibañez, Grassroots Leadership activists in
Posted Aug 14, 2009
Over 150 protesters marched and chanted alongside Albany, N.Y., rush-hour
traffic on Aug. 4, waving signs and banners against the FBI campaign of
entrapping innocent Muslims....
Posted Aug 12, 2009
The first in a series of Immigrants’ Art Exhibits opened July 10 at the
Rio II Gallery in Harlem, in a beautiful ceremony complete with music,
refreshments and opportunities to meet the artists. The show will be open there
until July 24. It will then move to Arts Horizons LeRoy Neiman Art Center, also
in Harlem, for another two weeks....
Posted Jul 17, 2009
There is a war going on inside this country—a war against immigrants,
especially undocumented immigrants. This war is escalating, and like most wars,
it is taking many casualties. The casualties are innocent children, women and
men whose only crime is the need to survive, to find a way to live and work in
the United States....
Posted Jul 2, 2009
On May 30, three members of the local reactionary Minutemen organization
invaded the home of Raul Flores in Arivaca, Ariz., murdering him and his
9-year-old daughter, Brisenia Flores, and wounding his spouse Gina Maria
Gonzalez. The racists were dressed in military fatigues. They told the family
that they were with the Border Patrol before they ransacked the house and shot
Posted Jun 25, 2009
Hundreds of activists, including infants and great grandmothers, held a
spirited march and rally in Taylor, Texas, on June 20 to protest the
incarceration of men, women and their children at the T. Don Hutto detention
Posted Jun 25, 2009
Immigrants and their supporters have marched, rallied, picketed and even met
with the mayor’s staff to express their opposition to the enforcing of
immigration laws by Houston cops.
At a May 20 press conference and picket line outside of the Houston Police
Officers Union, activists made it clear that immigrants were a large part of
the Houston population and must be treated with respect by all city
Posted May 28, 2009
“Immigrant,” a bilingual community event on immigrant rights in
Syracuse, N.Y., held in the Blodgett High School cafeteria, drew a
standing-room-only, multinational crowd of more than 110 people on May 14. Some
participants traveled from as far as Buffalo, Rochester, Binghamton and
Posted May 28, 2009
On May 9, three members of the Georgia Detention Watch made a second solidarity
trip to the Etowah Detention Center in Gadsden, Ala., to deliver hundreds of
pairs of cotton underwear to women immigrant detainees....
Posted May 17, 2009
While immigrants and their supporters celebrated May Day elsewhere in the U.S.,
an all-white jury in Pottsville, Pa., approved the lynching of Luis
Posted May 7, 2009
The May 1st Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights held a press conference
on April 27 to announce plans for the May Day rally and march scheduled for
Union Square in New York on May 1. One of the main messages raised at the press
conference is the demand that President Barack Obama pass fair and humane
immigration reform which would include the elimination of deportations and
raids against immigrant workers and their families....
Posted Apr 30, 2009
On April 14, right-wing racist and anti-immigrant bigot Tom Tancredo came to
the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill to speak. While Tancredo’s racist speeches have been challenged by students before,
nothing in the ex-congressperson’s career could have prepared him for the
fiercely loud and principled stand taken by UNC students on April 14. More than
300 protesters from various student organizations showed up at Bingham Hall to
give a strong denunciation of Tancredo and everything that these
xenophobic reactionaries stand for....
Posted Apr 29, 2009
Georgia Detention Watch members are in the final stages of planning a second
solidarity visit to women detainees held in the Etowah Detention Center in
Gadsden, Ala., on May 9.
Organizers chose the Mother’s Day weekend to highlight the cruel
separation of families caused by the immigration policies carried out by
Immigration and Customs Enforcement....
Posted Apr 29, 2009
The Southern California Immigration Coalition Conference, a coalition of
several dozen organizations, successfully gathered nearly 400 people from
across the region on April 11 with the objective of “building unity
between different sectors of the community to unite around this
struggle—from elected officials, to students, to workers, to
professionals, to leaders from the LGBT community, to teachers and parents, to
community leaders, to union leaders, to intellectuals and to many
Posted Apr 24, 2009
Immigrant small shop owners are coming forward with disturbingly similar
accounts of police drug raids that began with the destruction of private
surveillance cameras and ended with the looting of cash and merchandise from
their shops by members of the department’s undercover Narcotics Field
Posted Apr 12, 2009
Emotions ran high as four women, dressed in drab green prison clothes, entered
a conference room at the Etowah County Detention Center in northern
Alabama on March 7 to the cheers and applause of a group of immigrant
rights activists, legal workers and family members...
Posted Mar 11, 2009
Texas activists carrying colorful signs and banners formed a loud, militant
demonstration in front of the T. Don Hutto Residential Facility on March 7,
chanting, “CCA [Corrections Corporation of America], shut it down!”
“Free the children, shut it down!” and “ICE [Immigration and
Customs Enforcement], shut it down!”...
Posted Mar 11, 2009
Because of her record of hostility to immigrants, Rep. Kirsten
Gillibrand’s appointment to replace Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton in the U.S. Senate has drawn opposition....
Posted Feb 12, 2009
The global financial crisis is forcing emerging and underdeveloped economies
throughout Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia to take a double whammy.
Economic instability and corresponding job losses at home are compounded by a
severe decline in remittances from the migrant workers who serve as a
super-exploited segment of the working class in the industrialized capitalist
economies of the United States, Western Europe and Japan....
Posted Feb 12, 2009
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