Occupy Oakland held a rally, march and community forum on March 13, the third anniversary of Tristan Anderson’s critical injury at the hands of Israeli border police in the West Bank village of Nil’in....
Posted Mar 22, 2012
The U.S.-backed Israeli war machine has launched a new criminal attack on the beleaguered people of Gaza. ...
Posted Mar 16, 2012
As of Feb. 19, Khader Adnan had not eaten for 64 days; and time is running out.
Posted Feb 22, 2012
An historic national conference to promote the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement directed at ending Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people was held at the University of Pennsylvania Feb. 3-5.
Posted Feb 12, 2012
The uprooted Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the Middle East....
Posted Oct 10, 2011
Greece is now in the eye of the storm in the struggle to break the siege of
Posted Jul 6, 2011
Hundreds gathered in New York City on May 25 for a special New York harbor
boat ride to raise funds to send the ship “The Audacity of Hope” to
Gaza as part of Freedom Flotilla II, set to sail in June. ...
Posted Jun 6, 2011
President Barack Obama delivered a foreign policy address related to
developments in the Middle East on May 19. The speech — which avoided
addressing the uprisings throughout North Africa, the Palestinian question and
the U.S./NATO war against Libya — created even more hostility toward his
administration domestically and internationally....
Posted May 31, 2011
Israel has been rewarded by the U.S. imperialist government for its latest
assault on the besieged Palestinian territory of Gaza, which began on April 7
at the same time as the federal budget showdown in Washington....
Posted Apr 17, 2011
A visit to besieged Gaza in early January of this year, along with
former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, was a new opportunity to meet with
Palestinians there and to see conditions on the ground....
Posted Jan 19, 2011
International human rights activist
and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark is leading a delegation that crossed into Gaza on Jan. 4. Among those with Clark are co-director
of the International Action Center Sara Flounders. Egyptian and U.S.
authorities stopped the delegation for more than 12 hours on the border before
allowing it to proceed....
Posted Jan 5, 2011
Last installment of “The media and Gaza,” a chapter from an upcoming book on the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people of Gaza who are fighting
for self-determination....
Posted Dec 12, 2010
What has the military-industrial-media complex meant for reporting?...
Posted Dec 4, 2010
In 1944, when the U.S. was becoming the dominant power in the Middle East, the
U.S. State Department described Middle Eastern oil as “a stupendous
source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world
Posted Nov 28, 2010
The second installment of “The media and
Gaza,” a chapter from an upcoming book on the heroic struggle of the Palestinian
people of Gaza who are fighting for self-determination....
Posted Nov 14, 2010
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the main U.S. media-watch organization,
charges that the country’s two top newspapers, after this year’s
attack by Israel on ships bringing aid to Gaza, suddenly
“misremembered” what had happened in the 2008-2009 Gaza war. FAIR
says the New York Times and the Washington Post “propagated an inaccurate
historical context that serves to bolster Israel’s claims.”...
Posted Nov 7, 2010
Huwaida Arraf was a witness to Israel’s May 31 attack on the Freedom
Flotilla ship, the Mavi Marmara, when Israeli naval commandos killed nine
Turkish activists. She gave a first-hand account on Oct. 27 to a
standing-room-only meeting at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia
sponsored by Penn for Palestine....
Posted Nov 7, 2010
Israeli naval commandoes intercepted and attacked the humanitarian Freedom
Flotilla, aimed at breaking the blockade of Gaza, on May 31. Eight Turkish
activists and one Turkish-American were killed on board the Mavi Marmara, a
Turkish ship, which was in international waters....
Posted Oct 1, 2010
Several hundred people gathered Sept. 3 in Dearborn, Mich., for an Al-Quds Day
rally in solidarity with the people of Palestine. ...
Posted Sep 9, 2010
An Israeli military veteran, with help from Polish activists from the Palestine
solidarity organization Kampania Palestyna, on June 27 tagged a remnant of the
wall that surrounded the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw with “Liberate All
Ghettos” in Hebrew and “Free Gaza and Palestine” in English.
A Palestinian flag was hung from the top of the wall after the tagging was
Posted Jul 19, 2010
Several hundred people picketed in front of the
Israeli Consulate in San Francisco on July 6 to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu’s meeting in Washington with President Barack Obama....
Posted Jul 14, 2010
From a June 13 audio column by Mumia Abu-Jamal on death row....
Posted Jul 2, 2010
The University of California at Irvine is a hotbed of opposition to the Israeli
Posted Jul 2, 2010
In a spirit of militant defiance, some 450 people packed Brooklyn’s House
of the Lord church June 17 to hear an eyewitness report from the Gaza Freedom
Flotilla. They wanted to hear what really happened when Israeli commandos
stormed the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara on May 31 in international waters,
killing nine and wounding scores....
Posted Jun 24, 2010
Chanting, “Queers come out and take a stand, there’s too much
blood on Israel’s hands!” an angry group of LGBTQ activists
picketed on June 17 in front of the Castro Theatre in San Francisco to protest
Israeli support of the Frameline LGBT Film Festival....
Posted Jun 24, 2010
About 35 people met in the Five Points South neighborhood of Birmingham,
Ala., on June 19 to show solidarity with the besieged and invaded people of
Palestine and to protest the Freedom Flotilla massacre....
Posted Jun 24, 2010
When an Israeli cargo ship pulled into Berth 58 in the Port of Oakland on the
evening of June 20, there were no dockworkers on hand to unload it. Longshore
workers refused to cross a picket line of hundreds of labor and community
activists protesting Israel’s blockade of Gaza and its recent murderous
attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla....
Posted Jun 23, 2010
The heroes and heroines of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, so brutally attacked by
Israeli commandos on May 31, have transformed the struggle to break the siege
of Gaza and raised it to a higher level. They are the new Freedom Riders.
Freedom Riders were Civil Rights activists who rode interstate buses into the
southern United States 50 years ago to defy racist segregation practices. Like
the Palestinians, the African-American population of the South lived under a
separate, apartheid system, called “Jim Crow.”...
Posted Jun 16, 2010
Israel and its apologists bristle when Israel is called an apartheid state.
Most loudly shouting, “Israeli apartheid,” however, are those who
know the best — the workers of South Africa, who suffered the most under
South African apartheid. South African trade unions have denounced the siege of
Gaza and the apartheid wall on the West Bank, and have urged forward the
boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign (BDS)....
Posted Jun 16, 2010
International outrage and determined actions continue to demand an end to the
blockade of Gaza, as autopsy reports confirm the utter brutality of
Israel’s May 31 attack on a flotilla of humanitarian aid....
Posted Jun 10, 2010
Protesters in dozens of cities — perhaps as many as a hundred —
across the U.S. are voicing a common demand for an end to the U.S.-backed
Israeli blockade of Gaza and an end to U.S. funding of Israel’s
occupation of Palestine....
Posted Jun 10, 2010
To write a history of the political, military and economic alliance between
Israel and apartheid South Africa, which began in earnest with the Yom Kippur
War of 1973 and lasted until the collapse of the apartheid state in 1994, the
author of “The Unspoken Alliance,” Sasha Polakow-Suransky, spent
six years interviewing more than 60 people in South Africa, Israel and
Posted Jun 10, 2010
Workers World Party links arms with the heroic members of the Freedom Flotilla
who risked their lives trying to break Israel’s genocidal siege of Gaza.
We mourn for those who were cut down by the racist settler state of Israel
while on a humanitarian mission and will redouble our militant support for the
movement to end the blockade....
Posted Jun 2, 2010
A firestorm of condemnation and protest has followed
Israel’s latest brutality — the massacre of at least 9 unarmed
activists by the Israeli navy in international waters north of Gaza. The
activists were part of a 750-member delegation on a six-boat flotilla
attempting to bring humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza....
Posted Jun 2, 2010
Israeli troops’ criminal actions aboard the Turkish Mavi Marmara, killing
at least nine of the anti-blockade activists and wounding dozens, in turn
released a storm of sympathy worldwide for those on the Freedom Flotilla and
for the Palestinians caught in Gaza behind the Israeli blockade....
Posted Jun 2, 2010
Political activists and hip-hop enthusiasts eagerly filled a midtown Atlanta
club on April 16 to catch a dynamic performance by DAM, Palestine’s first
hip-hop crew. A previously scheduled concert was thwarted in 2009 by the
refusal of the U.S. State Department to grant visas for the internationally
recognized group....
Posted May 1, 2010
What do workers need to know about the disagreement between the U.S. and
Despite angry statements by U.S. officials and endless verbiage in the
establishment media about what it all means, this disagreement is about a
diplomatic embarrassment and is not substantial....
Posted Apr 2, 2010
A lot of noise is being made over what happened recently in Israel when U.S.
Vice President Joseph Biden went there to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu. During Biden’s visit, which was supposed to promote the “peace
process” and lead to a renewal of discussions between the Palestinian
Authority and the Tel Aviv regime, the Interior Ministry announced that Israel
was going ahead with building 1,600 new housing units for Zionists in East
Posted Mar 19, 2010
For the third time in a year, Viva Palestina, the international relief effort
led by British Member of Parliament George Galloway, has broken the siege of
Posted Jan 15, 2010
The corporate media in the imperialist countries have much to say about the
Arab countries and developments in the Middle East. Rarely, however, do these
media permit people from the Middle Eastern countries to speak for
themselves. Recently Workers World interviewed Dr. Adel Samara, a Palestinian Marxist from the West Bank city of Ramallah....
Posted Jan 10, 2010
Viva Palestina has entered Gaza! A Jan. 6 post on the Viva Palestina Web site reports, "One month,
thousands of miles, ten countries, one ship and four flights later, Viva
Palestina has begun to enter the besieged Gaza Strip." The entry of the caravan into Palestine follows days of negotiations with
the Egyptian government, who on Jan. 5 withdrew its negotiators and sent some
2,000 riot police to the VP camp at the port of Al-Arish. ...
Posted Jan 6, 2010
Demonstrators around the world marched in solidarity with the people of Gaza on
the one-year anniversary of Israel’s massacre there and to demand an end
to the Israeli blockade of Gaza....
Posted Jan 6, 2010
Last Dec. 27, the U.S.-funded Israel war machine unleashed a 23-day
blizzard of U.S.-made weapons of mass destruction on the towns and refugee
camps of Gaza, the most densely populated place on earth....
Posted Dec 23, 2009
Excerpts are from a talk by Bill Cecil at the WWP
National Conference, Nov. 14....
Posted Nov 24, 2009
An article by Sara Flounders on the Palestinian people’s resistance to
the Israeli siege of Gaza has been recognized by Project Censored and included
in its list of the year’s top 25 most-censored stories....
Posted Oct 28, 2009
The Gaza Strip, populated by 1.5 million Palestinians, is virtually an open-air
prison—a place of punishment and exile for Palestinians. No one can
officially get in or out of Gaza unless given permission at border checkpoints
that are opened at the whim of Israel and Egypt. If your name is not on a
pre-existing list, you can’t get into Gaza or leave it....
Posted Aug 27, 2009
On July 29 the House of the Lord Church in Brooklyn hosted a standing-room-only
report-back meeting led by several participants of the Viva Palestina historic
U.S. convoy who returned July 17 and 18 from Gaza City in Palestine. The
audience was majority Black....
Posted Aug 8, 2009
A Viva Palestina organizer writes: we took a guided bus tour and witnessed Gaza’s
devastation. It was clear the Israeli bombing and invasion of Gaza were a
deliberate campaign to inflict punishment on the civilian population.
Apartment buildings had been shelled, leaving huge holes in the walls. Many
homes in Gaza had been reduced to rubble....
Posted Jul 31, 2009
We in the anti-war movement need to be especially careful not to jump on the
bandwagon when the entire capitalist class, their media, the entire U.S.
Congress, and numerous organizations that received direct U.S. funding from the
so-called National Endowment for Democracy all speak with one voice in sudden
defense of a cause...
Posted Jul 24, 2009
The largest U.S. humanitarian aid convoy to Palestine in history went over the
Rafah border crossing into Gaza in the late evening of July 15. The 218-person
contingent of activists brought more than $1 million in wheelchairs, walkers
and medical supplies to the people of Gaza....
Posted Jul 23, 2009
Tarek Abedrabb, a young Syrian man in the Viva Palestina delegation, and a young Egyptian health care worker on the convoy write about Gaza....
Posted Jul 23, 2009
A new publication by the group Breaking the Silence was announced on July 15.
The group is composed of veteran Israeli soldiers who “demand
accountability regarding Israel’s military actions in the Occupied
territories perpetrated by us and in our name.”
Interviews and testimony by 30 Israeli soldiers regarding their experiences in
“Operation Cast Lead” confirm that war crimes were specific policy
in last winter’s Gaza massacre....
Posted Jul 23, 2009
July 15—The largest humanitarian aid convoy in history to travel from the
U.S. to Palestine succeeded in crossing the Rafah border into Gaza late today.
After days of delay, the 218-person contingent of activists, buoyed by
telegrams, emails and protests from many parts of the world, was finally
allowed to pass into the besieged Palestinian enclave with more than $1 million
in wheelchairs, walkers and medical supplies for the people of Gaza....
Posted Jul 15, 2009
During the day it had appeared that the Egyptian government was going to deny
passage into Gaza. The 218-person contingent of activists plans to bring wheelchairs, walkers and
medical supplies to the people of Gaza. A genocidal attack on Gaza in December
and January, on top of a two-year Israeli siege and blockade of the area, makes
this aid essential for the people there. The fact that the caravan hails from the U.S. gives the convoy added resonance,
as Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. government aid in the world. And
Israel uses U.S. weapons and missiles against the Palestinian people on a daily
Posted Jul 15, 2009
The first delegation of Viva Palestina USA flew with British MP
George Galloway on July 4 to Cairo, Egypt, where 200 people and a convoy of trucks
carrying millions of dollars worth of medical supplies will drive to the border
of Gaza. The delegation will demand entry into that territory, whose people
have been denied basic necessities due to the Israeli blockade....
Posted Jul 8, 2009
Former U.S. Congressperson Cynthia McKinney has been released and
deported from Israel, after being imprisoned there since June 30 along with
other members of the Free Gaza Movement....
Posted Jul 8, 2009
Units of the Israeli navy blockading Gaza attacked and
boarded the Free Gaza Movement boat, the Spirit of Humanity, abducting 21 human
rights workers from 11 countries. The passengers and crew, including Noble
laureate Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, are being
forcibly dragged toward Israel. The boat is carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza
with an international delegation that set sail from Lanarca, Cyprus....
Posted Jul 1, 2009
More than 150 people rallied June 6 in San Francisco to demand an end to
the U.S.-Israeli war on Gaza. The demonstration was part of a national day of
solidarity with the people of Gaza....
Posted Jun 14, 2009
Supporters of the beleaguered Palestinian people plan to leave from New York
City on July 4 with medical supplies they will deliver to hospitals in
Posted Jun 13, 2009
Palestinian-American activist Sahar Abusada returned home and was greeted by a
welcoming crowd at the airport in Houston Feb. 28. Abusada had raised money in
Houston to buy 140 large tents and 280 blankets for families in Gaza who are
homeless due to the recent Israeli bombing....
Posted Mar 8, 2009
* Israel seizes aid ship bound for Gaza * Scottish students’ solidarity with Palestinians * Western Australia dockworkers to boycott Israeli ships * South African dockworkers refuse to unload Israeli goods * BDS movement salutes South African Transport and Allied Workers
Posted Feb 15, 2009
Resistance takes as many forms as life itself dictates.
Life in Gaza could not be more impossible. Its tunnels are a symbol of
Posted Feb 8, 2009
Israel’s savage assault on the civilian population of Gaza has aroused
the greatest worldwide outrage ever against the U.S.-backed settler state.
Perhaps nothing symbolized this more than the report of veteran anti-apartheid
fighter Dennis Brutus leading a protest in Durban, South Africa, against
Israeli Ambassador Dov Segev-Steinberg. Brutus was instrumental in the cultural
boycott campaign against apartheid South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s....
Posted Jan 29, 2009
A message to the Palestinian people from the Cuban Five. These Cuban heroes
have been falsely jailed in U.S. prisons for over 10 years for defending their
homeland against U.S.-backed terrorist acts....
Posted Jan 28, 2009
The Palestinian people, bloodied but unbowed, have won the most uneven of
battles. The brutal scenario cooked up in the war rooms of the Israeli military and the
Pentagon didn’t work....
Posted Jan 21, 2009
Eighteen days into the massive Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip,
the death toll of Palestinians living in the densely populated area is nearing
1,000. In the same period, 13 Israelis have died—only three of them
civilians. Despite such terrible odds, the will to resist of the Palestinian
people continues, supported by growing demonstrations throughout the world....
Posted Jan 14, 2009
In protest of the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza, Venezuela expelled the
Israeli ambassador from its country on Jan. 6....
Posted Jan 14, 2009
For 60 years, Israel has persecuted the Palestinian people with impunity in
defiance of United Nations General Assembly and Security Council resolutions,
orders of the International Court of Justice, international law and fundamental
human rights....
Posted Jan 11, 2009
Mobilized on six continents—Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and North and
South America—millions of people have demanded that Israel cease its
attack and lift the siege on Gaza. [Includes slideshow of protests around the world.]...
Posted Jan 7, 2009
Gaza is a strip of land, four-fifths the size of the New York borough of
Queens, home to 1.5 million Palestinians, of whom 800,000 are children. By
entering Gaza, Israel’s war machine, backed in full by U.S. imperialism,
is writing a new chapter of war crimes in world history....
Posted Jan 5, 2009
Dec. 31—The genocidal U.S.-backed Israeli bombardment of the Palestinian
people in the Gaza Strip has had at least one unintended consequence. It has
mobilized the anti-imperialist movement and other anti-war forces around the
Posted Dec 31, 2008
The International Action Center condemns the criminal U.S.-backed Israeli
bombing of Gaza that has led to the massacre of 200 Palestinians and the
serious wounding of another 300....
Posted Dec 31, 2008
Statement by the youth organization FIST (Fight Imperialism, Stand Together) on the Israeli assault on Gaza....
Posted Dec 31, 2008
The last of the Israeli occupying army has left Gaza for the first time in 38
Posted Sep 18, 2005
Palestinian resistance to occupation by the
U.S.-armed and -financed Zionist movement and its Israeli settler state
continues today and every day throughout all of Palestine....
Posted Jul 23, 2005
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