Professor Gates

“Professor Henry Gates is right; racial profiling and police brutality are wrong” was the topic of a Workers World Party forum in New York City on Aug. 8.... Posted Aug 14, 2009

If the arrest, humiliation and resultant brouhaha over the case of Harvard scholar Dr. Henry Louis Gates has taught us anything, it is that we still dwell in separate worlds; ones which rarely meet.... Posted Aug 14, 2009

A community/labor picket line and news conference were held in front of Cambridge City Hall on July 29 to launch a campaign against racial profiling. Organized by the Bail Out the People Movement, Boston chapter, the actions expressed solidarity with Harvard professor Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr., whose arrest in his Cambridge house on July 16 has reopened a national debate on police brutality.... Posted Aug 5, 2009

The New York branch of Workers World Party will be holding a public forum on “Professor Henry Gates was right—Racial profiling and police brutality are wrong”, Sat., Aug. 8, 3 p.m. at the Solidarity Center.... Posted Aug 5, 2009

The arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr.—a prominent African-American Harvard University professor—in his own home by Cambridge police on July 16 has shone a brilliant national and international spotlight on racial profiling in the U.S.... Posted Jul 29, 2009

The July 16 arrest of Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. in his own home in Cambridge, Mass., is but the latest glaring incident in the long history of racism permeating Boston, going back to the 1970s desegregation battles and before.... Posted Jul 29, 2009

Racial profiling is another expression of institutionalized racism rooted in a white supremacist ideology under capitalism. In the U.S., racial profiling has tragically become a way of life, like eating, sleeping and breathing. Being targeted based on the color of your skin or your nationality is a terrible burden to bear for any person of color, whether you live in the inner city, barrio, a reservation or in an upper-middle-class suburb.... Posted Jul 29, 2009

In April 2005, five Black Somerville High School athletes were racially profiled, attacked and beaten by white Medford, Mass. police. The cops, courts, media and school officials carried out a campaign to frame and vilify them. The youth, however, were seen as heroes by many in the working class and oppressed communities for defending themselves against a brutal, unprovoked attack. ... Posted Sep 21, 2006

When local police assaulted five Black youth last April in this Boston suburb, they struck a rock of resistance. The five young men, all high school students, have endured, along with their families, unjust expulsion from school even before their cases are heard and have had to spend thousands of dollars for lawyers to rebut a racist frame-up by the police.... Posted Oct 14, 2005

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