Stop fracking
Longtime residents of the 32-unit Riverdale Mobile Home Village in Jersey Shore, Pa., read in the Feb. 18 Williamsport, Pa., Sun-Gazette that their leases were being terminated “immediately” and they would have to move by April 1. ...
Posted Apr 7, 2012
A three-part New York Times series on the danger of wastewater from natural gas drilling being discharged into rivers upstream from drinking water intake plants cited Pennsylvania’s lax control over drilling as a major problem. ...
Posted Mar 19, 2011
After months of demonstrations and repeatedly packing the gallery at City
Council meetings, Frack Action Buffalo, a local grassroots group, and its
supporters celebrated a major victory. The city of Buffalo’s Common
Council became the first major city government in New York State — and
the second in the U.S. — to ban hydraulic fracturing for natural gas....
Posted Mar 3, 2011
Contrary to gas drilling industry claims that hydraulic fracturing is
“accident free,” Texas-based XTO Energy has racked up 31 violations
at 20 wells drilled in the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania in 2010....
Posted Dec 4, 2010
Excerpts from a talk at the Workers World Party
national conference given by Betsey Piette, an organizer of the Philadelphia
branch of WWP and a WW contributing editor....
Posted Dec 2, 2010
Chanting “No fracking way!” while marching behind a giant banner
that read “We can’t drink money,” more than 500 anti-fracking
activists rallied in Pittsburgh Nov. 3 as part of the first World Protest
Against Shale Gas Fracking....
Posted Nov 12, 2010
In an attempt to stave off criticism for failing to secure a state tax on
natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale areas in Pennsylvania, out-going
Gov. Ed Rendell staged a press conference on Oct. 26 to announce he was signing
an executive order for a moratorium on leasing new tracts in state forest land
to companies for drilling....
Posted Nov 4, 2010
In what is but the latest in an all-too-long and frequent string of
environmental accidents involving natural gas drilling, a section of highway
near the town of Hughesville, Pa., located in the upper Susquehanna River
Valley was closed Oct. 9 after a low-boy trailer leaked an undetermined amount
of frack fluid....
Posted Oct 15, 2010
Hundreds of activists from across Pennsylvania rallied and lobbied in the
capital of Harrisburg Sept. 22 for a moratorium on natural gas drilling and
against gas-industry-sponsored legislation designed to give the green light to
unfettered drilling in the Marcellus Shale that sits beneath much of the
Posted Oct 9, 2010
Evidence that Pennsylvania’s Department of Homeland Security is working
on behalf of the natural gas industry came to light in early September when
internal department bulletins were leaked to an anti-drilling listserve. The
department had contracted an Israeli-linked agency to spy on anti-drilling
Posted Sep 22, 2010
Much of the focus on the rapid expansion of natural gas extraction through
hydrofracturing, or “fracking,” has centered on methane leaks and
chemical contamination of residential water wells. In Dimock, Pa., more than 15
residents sued Cabot Oil and Gas Corp., charging permanent damage to their
Posted Sep 10, 2010
An effort to educate people on the dangers of rapidly expanding drilling for
natural gas in the Marcellus Shale region brought more than 500 people to the
Luzerne County Fairgrounds in northeastern Pennsylvania on Aug. 22. The Gas
Stock Festival offered an all-day event with bands, information tables, vendors
and a “soap box” section for speakers....
Posted Aug 26, 2010
Potentially toxic and carcinogenic chemicals are used in the hydraulic
fracturing process to obtain natural gas from shale. Whenever industry
officials are confronted with concerns regarding their use, their standard
answer is, “The chemicals account for less than 1 percent of the fluid
that is blasted underground.” The problem with this pat response is that they never say what these chemicals
Posted Jul 8, 2010
Will the rapid, unregulated expansion of hydraulic fracturing to extract
natural gas give way to the next major disaster in the oil and gas industry?
Three separate accidents in just one week signify that this could happen....
Posted Jun 19, 2010
Despite industry claims that the rapidly expanding practice of hydraulic
fracturing to extract natural gas from deep underground shale layers is
“perfectly safe,” on April 15 the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection fined Houston-based Cabot Oil and Gas $240,000 for
causing the contamination of 14 residential water wells in Dimock Township,
Posted May 6, 2010
Across New York state and Pennsylvania dozens of environmental activist groups
are working to ban or limit the practice of hydraulic fracturing, or
“fracking.” Green Guerrillas’ Youth Media Tech Collective consists of youth of color
ages 15 through 19, who plan to create an online movie to expose the issues of
natural gas exploitation. Workers World spoke with members of the collective about their activities....
Posted Dec 20, 2009
Imagine finding methane and metals in your drinking water or having your water
well explode or catch on fire. Imagine getting thrown out of bed one morning as
your entire house is lifted off the ground from an explosion due to methane gas
build-up. These nightmares are a reality for a growing number of families whose
homes are located near natural gas drilling sites in New York, Pennsylvania,
Ohio and other states across the U.S....
Posted Dec 10, 2009
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