Memory of Black Panther Party leaders honored

Community gathers to remember Chairman Fred Hampton Sr.WW photo: Eric Struch

Community gathers to remember Chairman Fred Hampton Sr.
WW photo: Eric Struch

Chicago — On the 43rd anniversary of the cop massacre of Black Panther Party leaders Chairman Fred Hampton Sr. and Defense Captain Mark Clark, more than 100 people gathered at 2337 West Chairman Fred Hampton Way in Monroe, where a cop death squad carried out the targeted assassination on Dec. 4, 1969.

Hampton was born on Aug. 30, 1948, in Chicago and grew up in Maywood, Ill. As a teenager he organized demonstrations and later became one of the leaders of the Black Panther Party.

In his short life he helped oppressed people when he set up the Free Breakfast Program for children. He also tried to keep the peace between some Chicago street gangs and built alliances with revolutionary organizations and other nationalities.

International Revolutionary Day was observed by revolutionary people led by Chairman Fred Hampton Jr., of the Prisoners of Conscience Committee/Black Panther Party Cubs, and Comrade Mother Akua Njeri, who relived the tragedy of losing one great revolutionary who not only died fighting for the people’s rights but lived for the revolution. He left us with the courage to follow our beliefs.

The Freedom Home Academy joined the tribute. Many of the youths between 8 and 13 years expressed solidarity with people’s struggle.

Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. gave a message to the new generation. On his facebook page, he pointed out that the cops had picked that very day, Dec. 4, to honor the son of one of the cops who slaughtered Chairman Fred Hampton Sr. He noted that while some “have forgotten [the date], it is continuously made clear that the system has not.”

Workers World Party gave a solidarity message to the gathering. Let us not forget this BPP leader’s contributions to revolutionary history and let us not forget how he died.

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