Women workers lead victorious struggle in ‘Made in Dagenham’
Sue Davis
Published Jan 8, 2011 7:31 AM
Called a “British Norma Rae,” the recently released “Made in
Dagenham” tells the story of how 187 women workers, who sewed seat covers
at a Ford plant employing more than 55,000 workers outside London, stopped
production with their 1968 strike and won huge raises. Their victory led to the
Equal Pay Act of 1970.
This inspiring working-class story begins when the women find out they’ve
been reclassified as unskilled workers at lower pay. After they vote
unanimously to stage a one-day strike, there’s a meeting between union
and management. Shy but determined, Rita interrupts a class-collaborationist
union bureaucrat trying to derail the strike and defiantly details the kinds of
skills the women need to sew seat covers.
Flush from the strike, Rita upgrades the issue from skill levels to equal pay,
and the strike continues. Soon the plant shuts down because cars can’t be
sold without seats. During a union meeting to vote on whether to support the
women’s strike, Rita again interrupts the bureaucrat and appeals to the
all-male delegates: “We are the working class. We’re men and women,
and we are in this together. We are not divided by sex, only by those willing
to accept injustice.” Her militant appeal works — 79 in favor, 48
A Ford bigwig, dispatched to London, threatens Labor Prime Minister Harold
Wilson: Either end the strike or we’ll move the plant to Europe. Wilson
so instructs his Employment Minister, Barbara Castle. But Castle, both demeaned
in her position and won over by the women, negotiates behind closed doors with
the Ford boss, who agrees to a compromise: The women will be paid 92 percent of
men’s wages. Castle adds the promise about sponsoring the equal pay
Made with a star-studded cast, the movie has been called timely, stirring,
entertaining, but Hollywood predictable. A few scenes seem far-fetched, like
the upper-class spouse of a Ford executive encouraging Rita to keep fighting
for all women and then lending her an expensive dress to wear to meet with
Is the movie accurate? Did a male shop steward have to persuade Rita, a
composite of several women leaders, to demand equal pay? There’s also the
question: Were all the women white? A few men of color are in some scenes.
A big question is: Why was this film made in 2010? U.S. and British reviewers
see it differently. In a Nov. 18 New York Times review, Stephen Holden calls it
“a grown-up feel-good movie plunked in a feel-bad age” and writes
that it’s “so smoothly written and well acted that its humanity and
good will leave you with a 1960s buzz of hope that social justice might be at
hand; that feeling wears off quickly.”
British reviewers take a more class-conscious approach. In the Oct. 4 Daily
Mail, Chris Tookey describes the movie as “ordinary people finding their
voice” and notes that it “has pertinent things to say to the modern
generation about standing up for your principles.” Writing in the Oct. 3
Independent, Nicholas Barber observes that it’s “fairly radical for
a contemporary film to be so squarely on the side of the strikers.”
This reviewer wishes the movie could be shown around the clock on television so
all working and oppressed people could be inspired to unite and fight back.
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