‘Great day of anger’
Thousands of Iraqis defy puppet regime, occupation
John Catalinotto
Published Mar 6, 2011 4:54 PM
Defying threats from the puppet government and several party militias,
thousands of Iraqis from Basra in the south to Suleimaniya in the Kurdish north
took to the streets Feb. 25 in a “Great Day of Anger” inspired by
the uprisings across the Arab world.
The specific demands of the protesters were for electricity and against poverty
and corruption. The continued occupation of Iraq by 50,000 U.S. troops and tens
of thousands of mercenaries known as “contractors,” however, gives
any Iraqi protest a sharply political content. A chronicle of the day’s
actions by Iraqi human rights activist Asma al-Haidari offers the following
characterization of the protest:
“The Iraqi People are demonstrating against corruption, absolute and
abysmal poverty, unemployment, total lack of services, and occupation, and very
importantly corruption, administrative and fiscal corruption. They are also
demonstrating demanding freedom and human dignity and the immediate expulsion
of the occupation. They are demonstrating for Iraq and have come together as
Iraqis.” (www.iraqsolidaridad.org, Feb. 25)
Government forces attacked protesters in Fallujah, Hawija, Baghdad, Mosul and
other cities, with the media reporting that at least 10 people were killed. In
some towns, in response to the regime’s attacks, demonstrators tried to
storm government buildings, according to Reuters reports on Feb. 25 and 26.
In the days before the demonstrations, the government continually warned people
not to take part in the actions, making a barely veiled threat of massacres.
Military vehicles and security forces lined the streets around Liberation
Square in Baghdad, and a curfew was in effect. Not only Premier Nuri al-Maliki
but significant representatives of the Shiite community, like Moktada al-Sadr
and Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, spoke out against participation in the
Still, thousands gathered in the square. One person had a sign that read,
“Where’s my share of the oil profits?”
It is significant that on the day following the demonstrations, Al-Sistani
called on Iraq’s government and parliament to take serious steps to
improve electricity services, provide jobs and fight corruption, a strong sign
that the demonstrations frightened those in power.
Failure of the occupation
It was nearly eight years ago that the U.S., with British support, carried out
a “shock and awe” attack on Iraq. The Pentagon’s forces
managed to quickly defeat the Iraqi army, and George W. Bush even declared
“mission accomplished” six weeks after the invasion began.
According to U.S. promises, there would soon be a vibrant, stable, economically
sound Iraqi democracy.
Instead, eight years of U.S. occupation have brought up to 1 million deaths and
as many injuries to Iraqis, have displaced 4 million people inside and outside
the country, and have divided a formerly united Iraq into Kurds in the north
versus Arabs in the south, Sunni Muslims versus Shiite Muslims.
The occupation and its puppets have not even managed to turn reliable
electricity back on in one of the most energy-rich countries in the world.
These days when mass popular revolutions have made the world aware of the
brutality of Arab rulers, almost all backed by the U.S., it is wise to remember
that an imperialist occupation is the worst scenario for the people.
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