Cynthia McKinney speaks on Libyan TV
Abayomi Azikiwe
Editor, Pan-African News Wire
Published Jun 6, 2011 8:41 PM
Cynthia McKinney on Libyan TV.
Speaking on Libyan TV May 21, former U.S. Congressperson Cynthia McKinney
condemned the brutal war against the government and the people of that country.
McKinney, an African American and a fierce critic of U.S. foreign policy in
Africa and the Middle East, traveled to Libya as part of a fact-finding mission
to expose the criminal nature of the war.
McKinney stated, “It’s very important that people understand what
is happening here. And it’s important that people all over the world see
the truth. And that is why I am here ... to understand the truth.”
The Green Party 2008 presidential candidate emphasized: “I want to say
categorically and very clearly that these policies of war ... are not what the
people of the United States stand for, and it’s not what African
Americans stand for. Under the economic policies of the Obama administration,
those who have the least are losing the most. And those who have the most are
getting even more.”
McKinney noted, “The situation in the United States is becoming more dire
for average ordinary Americans, and the last thing we need to do is to spend
money on death, destruction and war.”
These comments came in the aftermath of the NATO bombing of numerous Libyan
ships docked in three different ports along the Mediterranean coast. In
addition to bombing ships, NATO forces announced the deployment of attack
helicopters into the theater of war.
NATO forces and the rebels they support have once again rejected calls for a
ceasefire from the United Nations Secretary General as well as the Libyan
government. Instead the European Union has opened an office in the rebel-held
city of Benghazi in a further attempt to encourage regime change in the
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