Recall races show potential for mass struggle
Bryan G. Pfeifer
Milwaukee, Wis.
Published Aug 4, 2011 8:32 PM
The Wisconsin AFL-CIO and other labor, community and student organizations are
mobilizing for the next recall elections on Aug. 9. They are aiming to oust six
union-busting, pro-austerity Republican state senators.
At July 26 Wisconsin AFL-CIO
‘Truth Tour’ stop at the Milwaukee
County Labor Council
WW photos: Bryan G. Pfeifer
The right-wingers passed a draconian state budget in June, which makes the
deepest cuts to schools, health care and communities in Wisconsin history. It
raises taxes on seniors and working families by $70 million, while providing
$300 million in corporate giveaways. African Americans, Latinos/as, women,
children and the elderly, already hit hardest by the economic crisis, will be
plunged into destitution if these cuts aren’t resisted and pushed
Thousands of workers and community members are knocking on doors, protesting
and joining in actions such as the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO’s week-long
“Truth Tour.” The statewide campaign began at the Teamster Hall in
Green Bay on July 16 and will continue through early August.
At July 30 Milwaukee Committee
To Stop FBI Repression meeting, Tom
Burke, left, Professor Ahmed Mbalia.
This mobilization provides a forum for those impacted by Wall Street’s
austerity measures to speak out. It is also building support for the recall
campaigns and increasing solidarity among labor, community and student
“We are mighty in thought, presence and the work we are doing every
day,” said Sheila Cochran, secretary-treasurer of the Milwaukee Area
Labor Council, on July 26 at the tour’s labor council stop. Cochran
noted, “They call us special interest. They are right. We do have the
special interest of the working people of Wisconsin in mind.”
Mahlon Mitchell, president of the Wisconsin firefighters union, told the crowd,
“We have to keep taking it to the streets. Let’s keep fighting.
Resistance grows statewide
Protests continue against reactionary Tea-Party-aligned politicians such as
Gov. Scott Walker and State Sen. Alberta Darling. Jobs Now, the Service
Employees union, Citizen Action and other groups demonstrate frequently at
Darling’s campaign offices. Activists shout down and challenge Walker
everywhere he appears. The Wisconsin State Fair will be the location of the
next protest against Walker on Aug. 4.
A people’s mobilization is in the works to confront the Aug. 5-8
neo-fascist, racist Tea Party Express “tour.” The Wisconsin Bail
Out the People Movement’s blog says that the Tea Party’s visit to
“a region of the country that has been one of the most devastated by the
economic crisis of capitalism — must not go unchallenged.”
Wisconsin BOPM says that the Tea Party “is attempting to appeal to the
popular discontent in the face of the economic crisis and attacks on poor and
working people ... [by] budget cuts, layoffs and union-busting attempts by Wall
Street. However, they want to fuel that discontent into a reactionary program
that scapegoats immigrants, targets people of color and LGBT people, blames
unions, attacks safety nets like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare and
opposes women’s rights.”
The organization calls for “A powerful movement ... that points its fire
at the rich and that fights for a massive public jobs program, real national
health care, a moratorium on foreclosures, ending the wars, canceling student
debt, building schools not prisons and using Pentagon dollars to pay for
education, housing, social services and rebuilding the country’s
This progressive coalition encourages everyone to join and protest at the Tea
Party Express tour locations. (For more information, see
‘We Will Not Rest’
Other Wisconsin struggles include the fight against attacks on the
people’s movement. On July 3 the Milwaukee Committee To Stop FBI
Repression sponsored a meeting at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee that
featured Professor Ahmed Mbalia of Africans On The Move; Tom Burke, national
spokesperson for the Committee To Stop FBI Repression; and immigrant rights
activist Carlos Montes via Skype from Los Angeles. Speakers told of FBI
terrorism against Black and Latino/a communities; resistance of 23 anti-war,
immigrant rights and solidarity activists to FBI raids last fall; and
Montes’ struggles against state repression. (www.stopfbi.net)
That day protesters also rallied at the state Capitol in Madison to demand
adequate funding and respect for public education as part of the national Save
Our Schools campaign. “Public schools are under attack,” said
Thomas J. Mertz, Wisconsin education activist. “There is a need for
national, state and local action in support of our schools. Wisconsin has been
ground zero in this.” He called for building the state movement on this
crucial issue.
On July 12 the Milwaukee Inner City Congregations Allied for Hope, a coalition
of churches and other faith-based organizations, held a protest and press
conference at the Westlawn Project construction site. Although this site is
located in the predominantly African-American community on Milwaukee’s
Northside, speakers emphasized that there are many construction projects there,
but little effort is made to hire African-American or other people of
Rev. Willie Brisco of MICAH said there is a “state of emergency” in
Milwaukee. He referred to the Milwaukee NAACP’s June report entitled
“Milwaukee Today,” which says this city is among the worst in the
country regarding segregation, poverty, unemployment and more. He told of the
crises for this city’s African-American community in unemployment, infant
mortality rates, education and incarceration.
Rev. Brisco stressed, “The bottom line is we will not rest on this issue.
We will not stop demanding that these unemployment statistics decrease.”
He called for activists and supporters to help stop these injustices.
(Milwaukee Courier, July 16)
The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association just released a membership survey
showing the majority rejected opening up their contract to give more
concessions to Milwaukee County. MTEA President Bob Peterson told members that
he’s hopeful “the energy of the protests this past spring in
Madison and the enthusiastic involvement of MTEA members in the upcoming recall
elections will continue to inspire us in the work ahead.”
To support these struggles and learn more about them, see
www.wibailoutpeople.org, www.defendwisconsin.org, www.vdlf.org,
wisaflcio.typepad.com, www.wisaflcio.org.
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