Walkouts launch nationwide resistance
Caleb T. Maupin
Published Mar 10, 2011 9:39 PM
Students in high schools, colleges and universities throughout the U.S. walked
out of classes, mainly on March 2, to help launch a month-long protest against
cutbacks in public education, including the closing of schools and mass layoffs
of teachers.
These walkouts represented student resistance against the bankers’ drive
to gut public education in response to the alleged “budget
The scene of one mass action was Lincoln High School in South Dallas, Texas
when 200 students left school without permission of administrators. By the end
of the day, hundreds more students had joined their classmates.
“We can’t wait until June, July, August. The time to start is now
in March,” said Damarcus Offord, president of the Lincoln High Student
Council who led the protest outside the school. He linked the massive cutbacks
to the growing dropout rates, proclaiming: “Losing our teachers is losing
our students.” (http://tinyurl.com/4spyv7k)
Eight different high schools organized walkouts near Phoenix, not only to
protest cutbacks but against a proposed law requiring schools to report
undocumented immigrant students. The rallying cry was “Education, not
deportation!” referring to the local war on immigrants. The national
attacks on public sector workers and the cutbacks in education were also
condemned. (Huffington Post, March 4)
In Boise, Idaho, 130 students walked out of South Junior High School. After
rallying outside the school, they proceeded to the Capitol building where they
joined high school students from around the state. They were eventually
escorted out of the public building by police officers and forced to rally
outside. (Idaho Statesman, March 2)
In Berkeley, Calif., 1,000 classes at the University of California were
canceled by sympathetic professors who opposed tuition hikes. Nine students
were arrested, including four who occupied the fourth-story ledge of a campus
building, refusing to leave for hours. When they finally left, they were
“greeted with hugs and cheers” from their fellow students. (KABC,
March 4)
Students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee took over Peck Theater, a
large campus building, on the morning of March 4. The action was in solidarity
with the workers and students who occupied the Capitol building in Madison and
protesting assaults on public sector unions by Gov. Scott Walker. Like their
comrades at the Capitol, they are refusing to leave until their demands are
Three hundred students at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania occupied a campus
building March 2 to demand an end to the tolerance for sexual assault by the
administration, which has created a hostile environment for women. They are
demanding that the college remove students guilty of sexual assault from campus
— a promise made a year before but still to be enacted.
The myth that youth in today’s U.S. are a “video-game
generation” with no drive to challenge authority is being refuted daily
as students rise up in nearly every corner of the country. Students are not
limiting their defiance to blog posts or tweets, but occupying the very
institutions responsible for their insecure future.
“Wisconsin fever” is spreading across the U.S. — the
condition is particularly infectious among the youth.
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