Thousands march to protest teacher firings
Published Mar 10, 2011 9:33 PM
By an American Federation of Teachers national
The city of Providence, R.I., sent termination letters Feb. 23 to all of its
1,926 teachers. Newly elected Mayor Angel Taveras claimed he was doing this to
guarantee flexibility in addressing the budget deficit. He is also going to
close an unspecified number of schools.
On March 2, thousands of teachers, including contingents from other Rhode
Island cities, members of other unions, and community and progressive
organizations flooded the streets around Providence City Hall to protest
Tavares’ attack on the Providence Teachers Union. The protest was part of
a nationwide response to attacks on public education.
Teachers and union members pointed out that this was a direct attack on the
seniority and collective bargaining rights of the PTU. This attack was done
unilaterally by management with no consultation with the union. (Providence
Journal, March 3).
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers — the
national affiliate of the PTU — said in a Facebook statement that the
union and the school board have been cooperating on “improving
low-performing schools, developing an innovative hiring process and revamping
the teacher evaluation system.” The PTU is the only AFT local to endorse
President Barack Obama’s Race to the Top Program, which promotes
privatizing education. But this “cooperation” didn’t protect
the PTU from a mass firing.
In contrast to what is happening in the Midwest, where Republican governors
have targeted public sector unions, Taveras is a Democrat who has decided to
use an iron fist to take on other unions beside the PTU. Tavares is also
proposing to sell off parts of Providence’s public “crown
jewel,” Roger Williams Park.
A giant orange and black banner at the March 2 rally reading “Save our
schools, Defend public education!” was held by members of the SOS (Save
Our Schools) Coalition. That group just finished a hard-fought community
struggle in 2010 against seven school closings attempted by former Mayor David
Cicilline and School Superintendent Tom Brady. Together, students, parents and
teachers mounted a struggle strong enough to save five of the seven
The SOS Coalition says there is plenty of money for public education, jobs and
other human needs if trillions of dollars are no longer poured down the
rat-holes of tax-breaks for the rich, bank bailouts, corporate welfare, wars
and ever-expanding military budgets.
Weingarten stated at the Providence rally: “Something insane is going on.
I thought the only insanity was in Wisconsin.” But it is not really
“insanity” for the rich and powerful in this country to attack
unions. They are driven to remove restrictions on how public funds for
education are spent.
Providence may be the first major system to fire teachers, but much larger
school districts in both New York City and Los Angeles are considering such
Bill Bateman, a long-time Providence activist, contributed to this
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