All out Jan. 25 to stop FBI repression
Published Jan 9, 2011 7:57 PM
Workers World newspaper places its full support behind
the proposal from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression for everyone who can to
join the day of action set for Jan. 25. The challenge is serious.
Every movement activist and every class-conscious worker should be ready to
take part — if they are serious about defending the right to show
solidarity with those around the world who oppose imperialism.
In December the FBI delivered nine new subpoenas to anti-war and solidarity
activists in Chicago. Since September the state has served 23 subpoenas. The
new subpoenas order the nine people to appear at a grand jury in Chicago on
Jan. 25.
The Stop FBI committee calls for solidarity protests around the country:
“Hundreds of organizations and thousands of people will be protesting at
federal buildings, FBI offices, and other appropriate places, showing
solidarity with the nine newly subpoenaed activists and with all the activists
whose homes were raided by the FBI.” (StopFBI.net)
The subpoenaed activists have earned the entire movement’s support as
they refuse to cooperate with the grand jury’s vicious probe. Last
October all 14 activists from Chicago, Minneapolis and Michigan decided not to
participate in the secret grand jury proceedings. Each signed a letter invoking
their Fifth Amendment rights. Three of them, all women from Minneapolis —
Tracy Molm, Anh Pham and Sarah Martin — now face reactivated subpoenas.
But they are all still standing strong, despite the risk that the jury can jail
them — even if they are not convicted of any crime, but simply for
refusing to testify.
The repressive capitalist state apparatus has also targeted others besides
these political activists.
Ahlam Mohsen and Max Kantar, two young anti-war activists from Michigan, were
indicted on criminal felony charges on Dec. 30 for “pieing” Sen.
Carl Levin. Free speech, the right to protest and common sense have gone out
the window. The federal government is threatening the pair with eight years in
prison for their anti-imperialist solidarity action. Mohsen and Kantar deserve
the support of all anti-war and progressive forces.
Since 9/11, the state apparatus has stepped up repression of the entire Muslim
community in the United States. This includes not only immigrants from
predominantly Muslim countries and Muslims from the Caribbean, but their
descendants and African-American Muslims. Many people have been framed up by
FBI and police informants who set up an entire alleged “terrorist”
conspiracy. It is 21st-century Cointelpro. They lure people with money, lies
and other means in order to entrap them.
Among those unfairly convicted and sentenced are the Fort Dix 5 and the
Newburgh 4. For a full list of the hundreds who have been victimized, see
projectsalam.org. The victims of this ethnic targeting deserve the full support
of the movement. So too do dedicated attorneys like Lynne Stewart, who in
December was sent to a prison in Texas to serve her unjust sentence.
The next step in fighting this wave of injustice is to make Jan. 25 a day of
struggle and stand with those who refuse to submit to grand jury
As the Committee to Stop FBI Repression writes:
“Defend free speech! Defend the right to organize! Opposing war and
occupation is not a crime! ... Tell Federal D.A. Patrick Fitzgerald to call off
the grand jury!”
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