Workers World Party statement
Israeli terror must not pass!
End the siege of Gaza — Break the blockade —
Boycott the apartheid settler state
Stop Washington’s imperialist strategic alliance with Israel
Long live Palestine!
Published Jun 2, 2010 10:05 PM
Workers World Party links arms with the heroic members of the Freedom Flotilla
who risked their lives trying to break Israel’s genocidal siege of Gaza.
We mourn for those who were cut down by the racist settler state of Israel
while on a humanitarian mission and will redouble our militant support for the
movement to end the blockade.
Israel now adds piracy and murder on the high seas to its long list of crimes
against the Palestinian people and their supporters. It is not known yet
whether the decision to carry out this foul deed came only from Israeli
commanders or whether its imperialist sponsors, especially Washington and
London, were also involved and informed.
Either way, such conduct by a small country would be impossible without the
undeniable support and collusion of these imperialist powers over decades.
Israel has again and again launched terror attacks on the Palestinians and on
neighboring countries like Lebanon. It carried out a ruthless military campaign
just 16 months ago against the civilian population of Gaza, bombing and burning
to death more than 1,400 Palestinians.
Now these same imperialists are trying again to put out the fires of resistance
sparked by Israel’s crimes. As they have done before, with each act of
Israeli terror, the U.S. and Britain in particular block any meaningful
international condemnation of this outrageous act at a time when the people of
the world are demanding retribution.
It has never been clearer than now why Israel gets away with its crimes: It is
a ruthless instrument of imperialism that was deliberately planted in the
Middle East to counter the long and growing struggle of the peoples of the
region to finally free their resources from Western exploitation and regain
their sovereignty.
Israel is a racist, settler state that has much in common with the apartheid
regime in South Africa. In fact, documents have just been revealed showing
Israel agreed to supply the apartheid regime with a nuclear war-making
capability - a deal that was thwarted when the African people, supported by a
world anti-apartheid movement, succeeded in bringing down the racists.
That’s what is needed now - a worldwide movement to pull down the racist
settler state in Israel. It is an essential and key element in the growing
struggle of the workers and oppressed peoples of the world to get the
billionaires off their backs and win economic and social justice.
June 2
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