Indigenous activists occupy Border Patrol
Published May 26, 2010 2:11 PM
Editor’s note: The following statement was released on May 22 by
the O’odham Solidarity Across Borders Collective and other Native
activists after carrying out an occupation May 21 at the U.S. Border Patrol
headquarters in Arizona. More information on this struggle can be found at
Banner reads: “Stop the militarization of Indigenous lands now!”
Photo: O’odham Solidarity Across Borders Collective
At approximately 1 p.m. on May 21, more than a dozen people occupied the
Tucson Headquarters of the U.S. Border Patrol to draw attention to impacts of
border militarization in Indigenous Communities. Six people, including Alex
Soto, a member of the Tohono O’odham Nation and a volunteer with the
group O’odham Solidarity Across Borders, locked themselves together for
up to three and a half hours. “Indigenous voices have been ignored. In
our action today we say NO MORE!” said Soto.
Banners were hung, including one placed over the reception window that read,
“Stop Militarization of Indigenous Lands Now,” traditional songs
were sung and the group chanted, “Border militarization destroys
Indigenous communities!” and “No raids, no deportations! No SB
1070, no racist laws!”
Approximately 30 Border Patrol agents flooded the lobby of the headquarters and
scrambled to react. Roads to the headquarters and adjacent air force base were
shut down. Tucson City Police were eventually called and began preparing an
extraction of the peaceful resisters.
A diverse crowd of up to 70 people quickly gathered outside the Border Patrol
headquarters to support those locked down inside. Ofelia Rivas of O’odham
Voices Against The Wall, an elder in support of the action stated, “It
was a historical and powerful moment for people of all colors to unite with
O’odham, to stand in solidarity for human rights and to see the next
generation take a stand.”
At approximately 4 o’clock the peaceful resisters negotiated the
conditions of their release on their terms. Their requests to consult with
Tohono O’odham elders to negotiate terms of release were denied by Tucson
Police. The protesters decided to unlock and were cited for two misdemeanors
each of trespassing and disorderly conduct.
The resisters were released just outside the premises to join supporters where
they gathered in traditional prayer and rallied against border militarization
for another hour. Community members, including members of the Pasqual Yaqui,
Tohono O’odham and Dine’ Nations reacted emotionally when two
Wackenhut Corp. buses left the Border Patrol compound filled with undocumented
people. The detainees responded with returning the symbol of resistance —
a raised fist.
“This is just one action of many that makes visible the invisible crimes
against humanity that occur every day on the colonial border,” stated one
of the peaceful resisters. “We commit to honoring the prayers and call
for support of the people most impacted by border militarization, the
Indigenous Peoples whose lands we are on and migrants who seek a better life
for their families. We cannot allow government agencies, border patrol,
Immigration and Customs Enforcement or reformist agendas to further their
suffering. We will continue our actions of peaceful resistance for human
dignity and respect for all peoples.”
The action also denounced SB 1070 and HB 2281 as racist laws that are a part of
an ongoing system of genocidal policies against Indigenous Peoples and migrant
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