People’s needs before capitalist profits
Defend education, cancel the debt to the banks
Fred Goldstein
Published Jun 17, 2010 8:31 PM
Playing by the rules and priorities of the capitalist profit system means
surrender in one area of life after another when the workers, communities,
students and youth are under attack. Whether it is the fight for jobs, the
environment, housing, health care, or a decent retirement, the framework
established by capitalism leaves no way but to give in to the rich.
Breaking out of the framework imposed by capitalism is the key to survival for
Education is an urgent example of the need to push past the barriers put up by
bankers, corporations and their political enforcers in both capitalist parties.
Capitalism says that profits and interest due to the banks are sacrosanct. It
is time to declare that the right to an education is sacrosanct. When it comes
to a conflict between education and payment to the banks, it is time to cancel
the debt, including student debt.
Public education is under attack from all directions. K-12 schools have already
been cut back across the country and even greater cuts are threatened.
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan recently announced that between 100,000 and
300,000 teachers are faced with job loss in the next school year.
The reason given is that cities, states and the federal government have
suffered a decline in revenue due to the economic crisis. Budget cuts must be
made. It is a matter of arithmetic. You cannot spend what you don’t
But that is capitalist arithmetic. If you cannot spend what you don’t
have, then how can the federal government write a $750 billion check to the
biggest banks in the U.S., buy up their bad debts, and guarantee their loans to
the tune of $10 trillion while handing the Pentagon more than $700 billion each
Apparently you can spend what you “don’t have” when it is
going to the super-rich. In fact, schools are being closed, teachers are being
fired and class sizes in the public schools are going up. Meanwhile, hundreds
of billions of dollars that these state and city governments owe to banks and
bondholders in interest payments are going to be paid out on time. And many of
these banks are the ones that got the bailouts in the first place.
So there is money. It is just a matter of who is going to get it.
In Detroit, 80 percent of the budget is spent on paying interest to the banks,
yet the city is planning to shut down 45 schools. In New York City, Mayor
Michael Bloomberg has been trying to shut down 19 schools and open up a raft of
charter schools in their place. But New York City pays billions to the banks
every year in interest. Bloomberg just forced city teachers to give up raises
by threatening to lay off 4,400 workers if the concession was not made.
Big business is moving into the funding of charter schools. The K-12 system is
becoming a major investment target for capital. Billions are being poured into
charter school investments while the public education system is being starved.
The Race to the Top fund of $4.3 billion established by the Obama
administration is meant to strengthen the charter school movement.
College students are in debt before they even start out in life because of the
high cost of a college education. Education, which is free in socialist Cuba,
is now a source of capitalist profit in the U.S.
Students in California carried out widespread occupations and demonstrations
throughout the public university system in March to oppose a 32 percent
increase in tuition. California was not the only state to put the debt to the
banks and the bondholders before the needs of students. Tuition hikes are
scheduled in many states, from New York to Colorado to a second round in
Thus, there is no middle ground between the interests of the banks and
capitalist investors on the one hand, and the interests of the masses of
students and their families at all levels.
Low-wage, low-skill economy shrinks education
In addition to the profit motive, the shrinking of the education system is also
based upon the fact that the bosses have created a low-wage, low-skill economy.
They no longer have a great need to generate a vast base of skilled and
semi-skilled workers. To the bankers, the cost of educating large sections of
the population, especially African-American, Latino/a, Asian, Native and poor
white youth, is unnecessary overhead. They would rather have the money in their
vaults. After all, the growing job openings are in low-skill categories.
That is the nature of advanced capitalism itself. The book “Low-Wage
Capitalism” says the following about the “education
“All the apologists for the system have been touting education as the way
for workers to raise themselves up. But the entire trend of capitalist
development moves in the direction of deskilling workers and lowering wages.
The bosses want to reduce skills in order to reduce the need for training, to
render workers virtually disposable by making them interchangeable, and thus to
increase the competition among individual workers.
“ ... [T]he application of technology has as its goal simplifying the
labor process. Thus, under capitalism the relative need for higher education
and higher skills in the workforce goes down, not up, with the advance of
This was written in 2008, before the full development of the economic crisis.
The massive unemployment today among youth age 16 to 24, which is officially
around 25 percent, confirms this trend. People with college degrees are trying
to get jobs as clerks, salespeople, waiters — any job, regardless of how
far below their skill level it is — just to survive.
To the bankers and the bosses, education is a drain on their profits and is
only needed on a much reduced scale to keep the system of exploitation going.
The ruling class is perfectly content to see an educational system that will
cull a layer of talented survivors from among the working class students and an
upper crust of academic elite from among the more privileged children of the
upper middle class and the rich. Meanwhile, they will let the rest of the
educational system flounder, underfunded and impoverished.
The capitalists would rather see public funds used to boost their profit
margins than for the education of the younger generation of the workers and the
oppressed. Thus the struggle for education is a struggle against the capitalist
profit system.
The students and youth, parents and communities, cannot be bound by the
limitations of the profit system. They must demand the cancellation of the
debts to the banks so that public money can be used in education and many other
areas. They must demand that the rights of capital be suspended in favor of the
right to education.