Fight grows against downsizing, privatizing
Abayomi Azikiwe
Published Apr 7, 2010 3:04 PM
A new round of rallies and demonstrations began during the week of March 29 in
efforts to halt the closing of 45 schools and other attacks involving the
downsizing of Detroit and the sale of the nonprofit Medical Center. Residents
came out in the hundreds to community meetings seeking answers and methods of
struggle to stop the escalating attacks on the largely African-American and
working-class municipality.
On March 29, 200 students, staff and alumni from Cooley High rallied in front
of the building requesting that the plan to shut down the school be reversed.
The state-appointed Detroit Public Schools emergency financial manager, Robert
Bobb, has scheduled to close the school at the end of the semester in June.
Alumni extending back to the 1950s and 1960s attended the rally and voiced
their concerns to the media that the closing of the school would be devastating
to the community. State Rep. Leslie Love, a Cooley alumnus, played a leading
role in the gathering.
After the rally, the crowd took the streets and marched along the business
district on Fenkell Street. Even though traffic was blocked along the way,
motorists honked their horns and gave the Black power salute and thumbs up in
support of the demonstration to save the school.
This demonstration lasted for an hour and drew people out of their homes and
small businesses to join in the protest. Residents of the neighborhood were
unanimous in their sentiment that the closing of Cooley would further damage
the social fabric of the community, which has been severely impacted by the
deepening economic crisis in Detroit.
Later that evening the first in a series of community meetings called by the
DPS emergency financial manager to discuss school closings was held at Henry
Ford High School, also located on the northwest side. Four hundred people
showed up at the meeting representing Coffey, Holcomb, Langston Hughes,
McKenny, Taft and Charles Wright schools.
Both parents and students gave detailed and impassioned presentations in
support of keeping their schools open. In addition, Detroit Federation of
Teachers President Keith Johnson spoke as well as in opposition to the
The school closings are being promoted in the corporate media as a cost-cutting
mechanism for the cash-strapped district, which is facing a deficit of over
$300 million. Yet since the appointment of the emergency financial manager by
Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm one year ago, the red ink has increased by
$100 million.
When the emergency financial manager for DPS took control in 2009, he laid off
1,500 employees but was forced to bring back 1,100 because personnel shortages
were so severe that many schools could not even operate. Due to financial
mismanagement by the state appointee, the district was forced to take out a
short-term loan of $256 million in order to meet payroll and other expenses.
(Detroit News, April 4)
The Detroit News, whose editorial stance is in support of the emergency
financial manager and state control of the school district, was forced to
admit, “Now the district is so broke it has had to plead to state
officials for permission to take on yet another short-term loan.” (April
Despite threats by financial manager Bobb to put the school district into
receivership or bankruptcy last year if the unions did not accept huge pay and
benefit cuts, this plan is no longer advocated because of the damage it has
done to the overall bond ratings for both the city and the state of
At present the state superintendent, Michael Flanagan, is attempting to force a
deal between the elected Detroit School Board and the emergency financial
manager in order to secure a $115 million grant from the federal government.
The board has filed suit against the emergency financial manager in order to
win an injunction to stop the school closings.
Bobb wrote to Otis Mathis, the Detroit Board of Education president, asking for
the elected body to drop its lawsuit against his office in exchange for some
compromise over control of the district. The Detroit board had sued earlier to
stop Bobb from exercising academic control over the district as well.
Yet the question of academic control of the district is superfluous with the
impending closure of 45 schools, the possible layoff of over 2,000 employees
and the burgeoning deficit. The vice president of the Detroit board, Anthony
Adams, said on April 1, “The board has been ignored. The issue is whether
he’s prepared to accept us as a partner.” (Detroit Free Press,
April 2)
However, the question is what the board and the emergency financial manager
will be partnering to accomplish.The community is demanding that all of the
school closings be rescinded and that funding be supplied by the state to
maintain personnel levels in the district.
In a leaflet being circulated at the anti-school-closing rallies and
demonstrations, as well as among the people throughout the city, the Moratorium
NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs states,
“Both Robert Bobb, the unelected DPS emergency financial manager, and
Mayor Dave Bing are serving the rich, who are responsible for creating the
worst economic crisis this city, state and country has seen since the Great
“In order to defeat the banks, corporations and the private foundations
like Kresge and Skillman, which are really behind these dictatorial measures to
further impoverish the people and deny their right to self-determination, we
must build a citywide coalition to demand a moratorium on all foreclosures,
evictions, utility shutoffs, layoffs, school closings and mass
“Tell Mayor Bing to declare a state of economic emergency and suspend
debt-service payments to the banks and demand that the federal government
immediately establish public works programs to create jobs for hundreds of
thousands of unemployed and poor people in Detroit.”
In regard to the DPS deficit and its relationship to the banks, a Detroit News
editorial revealed that “80 percent of Detroit’s state aid will go
to debt payment instead of classrooms. That is extraordinary, given the
students’ dire academic needs.” (April 4)
Downsizing efforts halted over environmental concerns
Illustrating the undemocratic and chaotic character of the corporate-engineered
plans to “rightsize” Detroit during the census year, a
much-trumpeted plan to utilize $20 million in federal dollars to demolish
vacant homes in the city was halted on the first day by state officials due to
the failure of the Bing administration to have the buildings inspected for
untreated asbestos, a known carcinogen.
When the first house was being bulldozed, the project was stopped, leaving the
home as a gaping eyesore and possible environmental danger. “I
don’t want to have to breathe this stuff,” said Alex Alexander, 73,
who lives next door to the abandoned home. (Detroit News, April 3)
Alexander continued, “I am worried I am going to get sick.” The
Detroit News reported, “State officials only learned of the city’s
federally funded demolition blitz — which Mayor Bing touted in his
‘State of the City’ speech last week — through the media. The
state said the city didn’t file a required 10-day notice with the
Department of Natural Resources and Environment over its plans to raze the
house. Such a notice would include whether the house has asbestos.”
The demolition blitz is slated to carry out large-scale destruction of
abandoned homes, many of which are owned by the banks, in the neighborhoods of
Brightmoor, Herman Gardens, Southwest, Kettering, North End, North Central,
Osborn and Far East/East English Village. The deputy director of the
city’s Building Safety and Engineering Department said on April 2 that
160 houses have already been torn down without the necessary environmental
Private takeover of Medical Center challenged
In other efforts aimed at stopping the privatization of the city, a coalition
of nonprofit organizations has declared that the proposed sale of the nonprofit
Medical Center, located in the Wayne State University area, is illegal under
state law. The three groups, calling themselves the Coalition to Protect
Detroit Health Care, wrote a letter to the Michigan attorney general, Mike Cox,
who must approve the sale, stating that the possible takeover by the
Nashville-based Vanguard Health Systems would violate laws that prohibit
nonprofit “assets to be used, conveyed or distributed for noncharitable
purposes.” (, April 1)
“We want to make sure the sale reflects the long-term best interests of
the city of Detroit versus the short-term interests of Vanguard,” said
Marjorie Mitchell, the executive director of Michigan Universal Health Care
Access Network.
The Moratorium NOW! Coalition is calling for a mass demonstration at City Hall
on April 20 to unite the forces fighting around all the major issues in
Detroit. In a call, the coalition says, “Corporate interests are moving
rapidly to privatize public education, break the Detroit Public Schools unions,
seize the municipal pension funds, sell the Detroit Medical Center and drive
tens of thousands of people from their homes so that the banks can prosper at
the expense of working people and youth.”
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