Long live the Cuban Revolution!
Published Jan 7, 2009 4:57 PM
Workers World Party extends our deepest congratulations and solidarity to
the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban people, who are celebrating the 50th
anniversary of the heroic triumph of the Cuban Revolution.
It is indeed a glorious occasion, and not only for Cuba. Workers and the
oppressed around the world share the deepest respect and pride for all that the
Cuban people have accomplished over this last half-century—despite
tremendous aggression from imperialist countries, and from the U.S. in
Once a country firmly under the boot of the U.S. military and multinational
corporations, Cuba has now lived freely for five decades. This small island
nation managed to throw off the chains of hundreds of years of foreign
domination to forge a fiercely independent path, in full and open solidarity
with virtually every progressive struggle around the world.
Cuba, a geographically isolated country with a small population, could have
just declared their revolution a struggle for national liberation. Such an
achievement alone would have been most impressive. But soon after Fidel Castro
and the Cuban people declared victory over puppet dictator Fulgencio Batista,
Fidel declared that theirs was a socialist revolution.
With that declaration, the leaders of the Cuban Revolution tied their fate to
that of millions around the world struggling to throw off their own oppression.
The tremendous success of their revolution remains an inspiration to all who
want to end capitalism and imperialism and form a society based on cooperation
and meeting human needs.
What Cuba has been able to achieve since 1959 is simply astonishing. Prior to
the Revolution, the average life expectancy in Cuba was 58.8 years. Disease was
rampant, as was illiteracy. Now the average Cuban lives to be more than 77
years old! Today education and health care are free at every level for all
Cubans. The Cuban education and health care systems are generally regarded as
among the best in the world.
There has also been tremendous social progress. One of the first acts of the
revolutionary government was to declare racism illegal and to end
discriminatory laws against Afro-Cubans. Women, previously employed almost
exclusively as domestic servants or forced into prostitution, now make up 40
percent of the Cuban workforce and 60 percent of Cuba’s technical and
professional workers.
Cuba’s achievements for its people since the Revolution in every measure
of human development and progress are staggering. Workers the world over look
to Cuba and thirst for the material and social progress socialism can
But not content just to lead by example, the Cuban people jumped with both feet
into the global anti-imperialist struggle, sending troops to Angola, Namibia
and South Africa to fight against colonialism and the racist apartheid states.
They declared open solidarity and support for the national liberation movements
in Africa, Asia and Latin America, despite condemnation and threats from the
imperialist countries.
They have sent thousands of doctors, engineers, teachers and other skilled
workers to oppressed countries to help the poorest people, even as they have
been economically devastated by the criminal U.S. blockade which they have
endured almost from the very inception of the Revolution.
Cuba has, time and again, extended a level of international solidarity to the
oppressed people of the world that is incredibly far beyond what anyone could
have asked or expected of them. And for these tremendous gifts of solidarity
that they have given to the world’s people, Cuba has asked for nothing in
But they have received the love, respect and gratitude of millions of workers
and oppressed the world over, no matter how Cuba is demonized by the U.S. and
other imperialist countries.
And Cuba has been thoroughly vilified and attacked by the U.S., both militarily
and politically, since the very beginning of the Revolution. From the Bay of
Pigs invasion; the illegal and immoral U.S. blockade; the countless
assassination attempts on Comrade Fidel Castro’s life; the acts of
terrorism against the Cuban people by U.S. backed militias in Miami; and the
unjust and heartbreaking imprisonment of the five Cuban heroes who tried to
defend Cuba from these terrorist attacks, the Cuban people have shown
remarkable resilience and strength throughout these past 50 years.
Workers World Party is also celebrating our 50th anniversary this year. We are
tremendously proud to say that our 50 years of struggle here in “the
belly of the beast” have included 50 years of total solidarity and
support for the Cuban Revolution.
We congratulate Cuba on all of your achievements and extend our deepest
revolutionary love to all the Cuban people, who are an inspiration to every
member of our Party. We look forward to someday achieving here in the U.S. what
you have achieved and to break the chains of capitalism and imperialism once
and for all!
Long live the Cuban Revolution!
Free the Cuban Five!
End the blockade now!
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