Crisis for women in poverty: ‘We must fight back!’
Published Apr 16, 2009 10:02 PM
Since 1996 mothers on public assistance have been subject to a
five-year limit on benefits. In Ohio the state limit is only three years,
during which time recipients must work 30 hours per week for a below-minimum
wage. Prisscilla Cooper, CEO and President of Family Connection Center, is
leading a fight for a moratorium on time limits. Below are excerpts from her
March 25 talk, given at a Cleveland public meeting which also featured Fred
Goldstein, author of “Low-Wage Capitalism: Colossus with Feet of
While it’s so important for our legislators to bail out the banks with
billions of dollars, fund unpopular wars and help their billion-dollar
corporations give huge, multimillion-dollar compensation packages to their
executives, they sit idly by and watch millions of extremely poor families
disintegrate because of welfare reform time limits.
In 1996 then-President Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act. This changed the welfare program to Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families. It limited assistance to five years during a
person’s lifetime. Even if people work for years and are laid-off or
become ill, they will no longer qualify if they have used up their time. The
children can receive child-only benefits if the mother is no longer in the
home. The child can be placed in another person’s home or foster care and
continue to receive benefits. This procedure guarantees that families are torn
apart, disregarded and abandoned.
Mothers and their children are thrown into the streets when they can no longer
pay rent. Children go hungry when the only resource is food stamps. Some
mothers see giving their children away to relatives, friends and even strangers
as their last recourse. More than 22,000 children are with caregivers in
Cuyahoga County. The war is not on poverty. The United States is waging a war
on poor women and their babies.
Where are all those jobs that mothers were promised? Where are all those
elusive jobs that exceptional training would produce? Oh, that’s right;
they were talking about community service placements as
requirements—[which is really] Slave Labor. These women are not
volunteering to work for pennies a month; they are forced to. The fathers are
also required to pay the state back for the same benefits the mother is working
for. Child support goes to the state, and the mother’s labor is used for
free. Welcome to the Real World of the Plantation of the United States of
We must hold our legislators responsible for what happens to the extremely poor
in our communities. We are our brothers’ keepers. With the massive job
losses, the economic crisis is affecting the middle class as well. If we cannot
work together to get the policies changed—putting a moratorium on time
limits—they too will suffer the breakup of families and the devastation
of poverty. We Must Fight Back! Decent Pay for a Day’s Work. No Pay, Then
No Work. No Work, Then a Safety Net! Fight for a Moratorium on Time Limits!
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