On 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Fight continues for reproductive justice
Kris Hamel
Published Jan 15, 2009 8:47 PM
Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion as a
woman’s right, will be 36 years old on Jan. 22. The 1973 ruling was
wrested from a reactionary bench after years of struggle by women and their
male supporters, as well as many legal and medical groups. Ever since,
women’s right to reproductive freedom has been under vicious attack by
right-wing, racist, anti-woman and anti-choice forces.
In the November 2008 election, voters reaffirmed their support for reproductive
rights by defeating anti-choice ballot measures in South Dakota, Colorado and
California. Across the U.S. they overwhelmingly chose Barack Obama for
president. Obama supports the right to abortion and women’s reproductive
health care.
Roll back Hyde Amendment, other restrictions!
A letter to Melody Barnes, head of Obama’s Domestic Policy Council, was
prepared by the Hyde–30 Years Is Enough! campaign, a project of the
National Network of Abortion Funds. Women’s rights and reproductive
rights leaders met with Barnes and other members of the Obama transition team
in December to begin discussing how to “ensure real reproductive choices
for all women.”
The letter states in part: “For more than 30 years, the Hyde Amendment
and other funding restrictions have affected the poorest and most vulnerable of
low-income Americans, with a disproportionate impact on women of color and
immigrant women. The Hyde Amendment denies abortion access to the 7 million
women of reproductive age who are currently enrolled in Medicaid. These funding
restrictions are the most detrimental of all attacks on safe, legal abortion
care, and represent a clear violation of low-income women’s human
The Barnes letter urges Obama to “strike language in his first budget
that blocks women’s access to abortion care, including restrictions on
abortion funding for Medicaid-eligible women and Medicare beneficiaries (the
Hyde Amendment), federal employees and their dependents (FEHB), residents of
the District of Columbia, Peace Corps volunteers, Native American women, and
women in federal prisons. Though attached to different funding streams, we
consider these restrictions to be a single issue requiring consistent and equal
treatment by President Obama.”
The letter to Barnes further states: “By striking funding restrictions,
President Obama can place abortion back in the context of health care, thereby
setting a new tone and signaling to Congress his commitment to comprehensive
women’s health care. [T]his early commitment will bolster the efforts of
our diverse and growing grassroots advocacy campaign as we continue educating
the public and Members of Congress about the urgent need for a full repeal of
these restrictions.”
Only 43 percent of House members in the new Congress are abortion rights
supporters. The U.S. Senate now has 40 members who are committed to
reproductive rights. (www.naral.org)
Among the signers of the Barnes/Obama letter are dozens of national
organizations such as the Center for Reproductive Rights, Catholics for Choice,
the National Organization for Women, Physicians for Reproductive Choice and
Health, and Black Women for Reproductive Justice. Dozens of local and regional
organizations are also signers.
Bush’s parting blow to women
On Dec. 18 the Bush administration’s Department of Health and Human
Services issued a new regulation affecting 17 million poor women–a
disproportionate number of whom are women of color–who are enrolled in
public health care programs. The restrictive regulationsignificantly impairs
women’s ability to get such basic reproductive health services as
contraception, counseling and information necessary to make decisions about
their own health.
A Center for Reproductive Rights press release stated: “The new
regulation allows people only tangentially related to the provision of health
care and an increased number of medical institutions to refuse a woman care
based on religious and moral beliefs. HSS claims this will further protect
health care providers against discrimination; but in reality, it leaves women
who rely on public programs unprotected and seriously violates their rights and
needs as patients. HSS also purposely leaves the door open for health care
providers to justify refusing a woman basic forms of contraception such as
birth control pills and IUDs.” (www.reproductiverights.org, Dec. 18)
Advocates for reproductive rights are urging incoming-President Obama to
immediately rescind the new HSS regulation. The petition “Urge Obama to
Take Action” can be signed at www.naral.org.
Just as it took a mass struggle to win Roe v. Wade 36 years ago, access to full
reproductive health care for all women will involve grassroots organizing to
build a strong, broad-based coalition for women’s reproductive rights.
This struggle will continue on a national and state-by-state basis in order to
stop ongoing right-wing, anti-choice initiatives and begin establishing
reproductive justice for all women.
The writer is a co-founder of DANFORR–the Detroit Action Network For
Reproductive Rights, one of the signers of the Barnes/Obama letter. Email
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