Help publish ‘High Tech, Low Pay’
Published Aug 8, 2009 3:21 PM
World View Forum is reissuing “High Tech, Low Pay,” the
classic by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy, on the party’s 50th
anniversary. The first edition, published in 1986, soon sold out due to demand
from workers and activists around the country. Now, requests for the book are
increasing as the economic crisis worsens.
The book rings as true today as when it was first published. It showed how the
scientific-technological revolution, at that time in an earlier phase of
capitalist restructuring, was destroying high-paying jobs and at the same time
changing the social composition of the working class.
Its reissue is very timely. Capitalism is in its biggest crisis since the Great
Depression. High tech has spread globally to the detriment of the world’s
workers. However, as Marcy explained, the high-tech revolution has brought more
of the oppressed into the plants, hospitals and offices, raising the potential
for greater solidarity and struggle.
A new 28-page introduction by Fred Goldstein, author of “Low-Wage
Capitalism: Colossus with Feet of Clay,” takes up how world developments
since “High Tech” was written have only added to the need for a
working-class resurgence.
Marcy’s analysis, strategies and tactics are still on-target. His call
for a class-wide offensive needs serious consideration. The potential for
fightback Marcy projected is exemplified by the mainly immigrant workers at the
Republic Windows & Doors factory in Chicago who this year occupied their
plant to win their demands.
Here is where our readers come in: Funds are needed to republish this
ground-breaking book. While the writing, editing, proofreading, graphics and
artwork are all done by voluntary labor, the printing, binding and promotional
costs are high.
This new edition of “High Tech, Low Pay” needs to reach working
people, activists and readers nationwide. There must be publicity and promotion
before it can get into union halls, campuses, libraries and bookstores.
Your contribution to print and promote this important book will make a
Everyone who donates $25 or more will receive a copy of “High Tech, Low
Send your donation to World View Forum, 55 W. 17th St., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011
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Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011
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