Larouche is no ‘socialist’
Caleb T. Maupin
Published Aug 30, 2009 11:45 PM
The corporate media is doing another disservice to real socialists and
communists by mislabeling Lyndon Larouche as a “communist” or
“socialist,” as his followers attack and disrupt health care reform
meetings. These activities add a new chapter to this group’s reactionary
history, abetted by misrepresentation in the corporate media.
Larouche’s gang has stood outside “town hall” meetings
holding pictures of Obama with a Hitler-style mustache and the words
“I’ve changed.” The media have attempted to use
Larouche’s behavior to attack the left. When covering the rightist
attacks on health care proposals, several newspapers and television programs
have identified Larouche’s followers and their despicable sign as
“communist,” “socialist” and “leftist.”
Such claims are a great falsehood and distortion of reality.
Larouche has a long record of serving the capitalist ruling class by attacking
progressive movements. Anyone who knows the real history of the left can
identify his political philosophy and teaching as dripping with racism, sexism,
anti-Semitism and bigotry against lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.
It is true that back in the late 1960s Larouche was identified with a tendency
that was briefly part of the left, but it soon switched to the opposite side of
the class struggle. By the mid-1970s it was obvious to anyone on the left in
the U.S. that he was no socialist or communist.
This became apparent in the early 1970s when his group launched what it called
“Operation Mop-Up,” in which his followers violently attacked
meetings of leftist and Marxist groups, especially the Communist Party USA,
with lead pipes, chains and other makeshift weapons.
In 1973 Larouche mobilized a campaign against revolutionary poet Amiri Baraka,
using not political arguments but slandering the African-American
political/cultural leader and, in a viciously racist act, put a caricature of
Baraka’s face on the body of a hyena on the front page of a pamphlet
published by his newspaper, the misnamed New Solidarity. The Ku Klux Klan and
other fascist organizations joined his group’s demonstrations against
Most people on the left consider him a neo-fascist, although he never had the
kind of mass following that groups like the openly racist Ku Klux Klan or the
White Citizens Council could claim at some points in their history.
In 1986 Larouche’s publishing house openly published and distributed the
writings of a Nazi general named Frederich August Freiherr von der Heyd. This
book, the first English translation of his work, had an introduction by
Larouche himself.
During the AIDS crisis, Larouche said he supported the “accelerated
death” of people with AIDS in order to “cleanse” the country
of the disease. He also praised European skinhead gangs that randomly murdered
LGBT people. (New Solidarity, Feb. 9, 1987)
Larouche put himself on the same side as the nuclear energy industry by
organizing the Fusion Energy Foundation, a group that attacked those who
opposed nuclear power and that was used by the power corporations to promote
their products around the world. Larouche also publicized and championed Ronald
Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, popularly known as “Star
Larouche and his tactics of bigoted fear-mongering and senseless violence are
the opposite of what communists, socialists and leftists stand for.
Don’t be fooled by the capitalist media, which are only too ready to try
to discredit real communists and socialists.
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