Int’l Working Women’s Month: Activists unite struggles
Monica Moorehead
Published Mar 4, 2009 3:53 PM
March 8, International Women’s Day, is not only an important time to
reflect on women’s resistance to all forms of injustice and oppression
from the past, but also to help inspire a fightback for the important struggles
that lie ahead. And inspiration is needed now more than ever as women bear a
significant burden with the deepening capitalist economic crisis. This includes
foreclosures and evictions; lack of health care, education and childcare; war
and occupation; sexual harassment; attacks on reproductive rights;
incarcerations and more. These problems are devastating not only for women, but
also for their families and class brothers.
During March, International Working Women’s Month, as activists and a
growing sector of the masses gear up for the April 3-4 national march on Wall
Street to demand a bailout of the people, not the banks and CEOs, women
organizers around the country are taking a big step forward to link the
struggles at home with the struggles abroad in meeting halls, on the airwaves
and in the streets, to illustrate that every issue is a woman’s
In Atlanta on March 7, the International Action Center, Georgia Detention Watch
and Human Rights Atlanta are planning a visit to immigrant women being held at
the Gadsen Detention Center in Etowah, Ala. According to,
there are close to 140 mostly non-English-speaking women from Latin America,
Vietnam, Cambodia and Caribbean islands being imprisoned there by Immigration
and Customs Enforcement, part of the Department of Homeland Security.
The organizers plan to have women lawyers visit the detainees who have been
denied any legal representation. They will bring the women personal hygiene
products, get information about their inhumane conditions and circumstances,
and express opposition to U.S. immigration policies.
On March 8, the Human Rights Atlanta and WRFG are coordinating a six-hour International Women’s Day
radio program on WRFG, the local community radio station in Atlanta, where a
wide cross-section of women will be participating. E-mail for more information.
In New York City, the International Women’s Day ’09 Coalition will
be holding a rally on March 8 at 1 p.m. at Union Square to demand that the
government bail out women and their communities. At the rally, a women’s
bill of rights will be presented. Participants will be encouraged to sign it
and add their own demands as well.
Following the rally, there will be a march throughout the Greenwich Village
area that will be led by Palestinian, Filipina, Black, Latina and other women
activists. The march will make a stop at the Kimmel Building, part of New York
University, one of the largest private universities in the U.S. In February, a
two-day sit-in took place at the Kimmel Building led by women students of
color, to demand the school’s divestment from Palestine and more local
community access to the school’s facilities.
The marchers will also hold a ceremony at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Memorial. It was at this site on March 8, 1911, where more
than 140 young, superexploited, immigrant women workers, including girls,
tragically lost their lives after the bosses locked the emergency exits when a
fire broke out.
Call 212-633-6646 for more information about the New York City International
Women’s Day activities.
The Women’s Fightback Network in Boston will be sponsoring a “Women
Rise Up Sistah Summit” on March 14, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at Roxbury
Community College. The main goals of the summit, according to
WFN literature, are to “build a united fightback agenda against racism,
sexism, LGBT oppression, budget cuts, layoffs, poverty and war; money for
schools, health care, childcare, youth programs and our communities ... jobs
and income for all!” Call 617-522-6626 or e-mail for more details.
The Detroit branch of Workers World Party will host an International
Women’s Day program on March 14 featuring Martha Grevatt, the author of
the forthcoming book, “In Our Hands Is Placed a Power: The Flint Sit-Down
Grevatt, a 21-year Chrysler worker and executive board member of United Auto
Workers Local 122 in Twinsburg, Ohio, is also a founding member and former
executive officer of Pride At Work, the AFL-CIO’s LGBT constituency
group. Grevatt writes frequently for Workers World newspaper, particularly on
labor issues. She will speak on the role of women in the labor struggles of the
“With Babies and Banners,” a documentary on women in the 1937
General Motors sit-down strike, will be shown. Other speakers will include
Sandra Hines, a leader of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures
and Evictions, and Megan Spencer, a Michigan State University activist and
The Detroit meeting is being dedicated to the heroic Palestinian women in Gaza,
who resisted the recent brutal, U.S.-backed Israeli military attacks. The
dinner and video will begin at 5 p.m. and the program at 6 p.m. at 5920 Second
Ave. Call 313-831-0750 or e-mail for information.
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