Touring author speaks on capitalist economic crisis
Published Apr 15, 2009 2:07 PM
“Job Loss/Homelessness Up - Capitalism’s Latest Crisis”
is the theme of a meeting at SEIU Local 721 in Los Angeles on Thursday, April 23,
from 7 p.m. to 9:30 pm. Participants can discuss the nuts and bolts of this
economic crisis - where it came from and how union members, activists and
social justice organizations can unite and fight.
Featured speakers are Fred Goldstein and Berta Joubert-Ceci.
*Fred Goldstein, author of “Low-Wage Capitalism - Colossus with Feet of
Clay,” is currently on a book tour in California discussing this
groundbreaking new book and a Marxist view of the capitalist crisis.
*Berta Joubert-Ceci will discuss the effects of this economic crisis on
immigrants and the necessity of building solidarity with all workers in this
new era of globalization and heightened exploitations. Representing the
Philadelphia International Action Center, Joubert-Ceci recently attended the
XIII International Seminar of Parties and a New Society in Mexico City. A
frequent traveler in Latin America, she has built many solidarity actions in
the U.S., especially with Venezuela and for the victims of U.S. policies in
SEIU Local 721 office is at 500 S. Virgil Ave. at 6th St. in Los Angeles. For
more information call: 310-677-6407
Other opportunities to discuss these issues during the California book tour
• April 14 San Francisco - Goldstein
will be introduced at the Modern Times Bookstore on Tuesday, April 14 by
well-known author and activist Michael Parenti. The event will be at 7:30 p.m.,
888 Valencia Street. Call 415-738-4739 for more information.
• April 18 San Diego - Goldstein will
be speaking and signing books at the Malcolm X Library on Saturday, April 18, 3
p.m., 5148 Market Street. Contact 619-527-3405, the library for details.
• April 23 Los Angeles- Thurs. April
23, 7 p.m. at SEIU Local 721 located at 500 S. Virgil Ave. (near 6th) hosted by
the International Action Center.
• April 24 Los Angeles- Fri. April 24,
7 p.m. at 5274 W. Pico Blvd., 2nd floor hosted by Workers World Party.
• April 25 Los Angeles - Los Angeles Times Festival of
Books at UCLA, book signings at the table, booth number 626.
• April 26 Los Angeles - Los Angeles Times Festival of
Books at UCLA, book signings at the table, booth number 626.
For more information on Los Angeles events, contact 310-677-6407.
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