Wilkerson: FBI targets Black politician
Frank Neisser
Published Nov 5, 2008 3:01 PM
People in Massachusetts were shocked on Oct. 28 to see pictures of state Sen.
Dianne Wilkerson being led away in handcuffs, arrested on alleged corruption.
The only African American in the Massachusetts Senate, Wilkerson has
represented the African-American community in the state Senate for 15
Sen. Wilkerson has been a staunch fighter for the community and for many
progressive causes. She was a leader in the struggle for same-sex marriage
rights, heading the successful effort to repeal a 1913 law preventing
out-of-state couples from marrying in Massachusetts “if the marriage
would not be legal in their home state.”
The arrest and undercover operation against Wilkerson is a racist, sexist
attack and an attack on all progressive African-American legislators and public
officials. Michael Sullivan, U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts,
claimed that the timing of the dramatic high-profile arrest one week before
Election Day was “coincidental” even though the investigation had
been going on for more than 18 months. There has been no indictment or
presentation to a grand jury. Sullivan is a Republican who is known to
activists here for having prosecuted the Plymouth 25 after the police assault
on United American Indians of New England and their supporters in 1997.
FBI investigators also presented subpoenas to African-American City Councilor
Chuck Turner and his staff, without any evidence of a connection between the
allegations of wrongdoing and Councilor Turner or his staff. This must be seen
as politically motivated harassment.
The witch hunt atmosphere against Sen. Wilkerson has continued with a unanimous
resolution by the entire Massachusetts Senate, supported by Gov. Deval Patrick,
demanding that she resign. Never before in its history has the Senate made such
a request of a senator who has not been convicted of any crime. It is also
completely hypocritical, as all of these senators do what Wilkerson is accused
of, on a far larger scale, as a matter of routine. The notorious
multimillion-dollar corruption surrounding Boston’s “big dig”
project is just one example. (See Workers World, Aug 24, 2006)
Corruption by politicians occurs throughout the country with near-impunity.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin abused her office to get a relative fired, yet is still
a candidate for vice president. Alaskan Sen. Ted Stephens has been convicted of
corruption and continues to be supported by the Republican Party.
This FBI entrapment operation must be seen as an effort by the far right to use
law enforcement agencies as political weapons in the elections.
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