U.S. prison population explodes
Larry Hales
Published Mar 9, 2008 8:18 PM
On Feb. 28 the Pew Center on the States released a report detailing that 1 in
99.1 adults in the U.S. is locked up. That comes to 2,319,258 prisoners for a
population of 230,000,000.
The growth of the prison population has skyrocketed, nearly tripling from 1987
to 2007. The total U.S. prison population is higher than the 26 European
nations with the highest prison populations, yet these nations combined have
two-and-a-half times the total population of the U.S.
All told there are 750 prisoners per 100,000 people in the U.S.—the
highest incarceration rate in the world. This prison population accounts for 25
percent of the world’s prison population.
Although crime has dropped 25 percent from 1987 to 2007 (New York Times, Feb.
28), incarceration continues to climb. The lowest level of violent crime was
reached in 2005, according to the Bureau of Justice.
The climb in incarceration rates is mostly due to the explosion in arrests
attributed to drug offenses. In those same 20 years, arrests for drug offenses
have increased by 50 percent. In addition, according to the Bureau of Justice,
more than 17 percent of people locked up in local jails and state and federal
prisons committed a crime to obtain drugs.
To filter the total number of prisoners through race, ethnicity and class, and
to look at the incarceration rates based on the same factors, illuminates the
effects of national oppression and the criminalization of poor and dispossessed
Official data on the poverty of individuals who commit crimes are difficult to
come by, yet it is easy to infer since the Bureau of Justice reports that
depressed urban areas account for the highest percentage of crimes and
One in nine Black males between the ages of 20 and 34 is behind bars, compared
to one in 30 for the general population; one in 100 Black women in their 30s is
incarcerated, versus 1 in 265 for all women.
The rate of imprisonment for all men above age 18 is one in 54; for Latinos it
is one in 36; and for Blacks it is one in 15.
Since the late 1970s urban centers have been faced with deindustrialization,
white flight, underfunded schools, the dismantling of welfare and a general
decline in social services. While the needs of people have not been met, the
police forces have been bolstered.
Inner city areas are faced with a neoliberal form of ethnic cleansing that has
generally become known as gentrification. From San Diego to Los Angeles and San
Francisco, to Harlem and New Orleans, inner city areas are being gobbled up by
developers. Katrina was the excuse in New Orleans, “blight” in
Detroit and other cities.
To pull it off, city administrators beef up police forces in poor, oppressed
neighborhoods and institute “zero tolerance” or “broken
window” ordinances, such as that in New York under former Mayor Rudy
The theory of “broken windows” was authored by James Q. Wilson and
George L. Kelling. Wilson, a right-wing policy advisor under Reagan and the
first Bush, also believes in dismantling Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare
and further privatizing public schools.
The “broken windows” theory is classic: blame the victim for the
ravages of the capitalist system. It postulates that ignoring a broken window
invites more windows to be broken; in other words, cracking down on petty
offenses “decreases crime” and “cleans up the
In general, most cops placed in oppressed communities are not people from the
community, and many times are white.
The inhabitants of the community do not dictate the conditions of the
community; the conditions are forced on the inhabitants. Poverty, joblessness,
homelessness, the lack of health care, underfunded public education, the lack
of after-school activities, poor housing choices, slum lords and the history of
racist oppression in the U.S. are to blame.
It is capitalism and the culture that comes with it that are the culprits when
it comes to “broken windows;” in fact the imperialist U.S. ruling
class is constantly, actively engaged in breaking windows all over the
Prisoners super exploited
As prisons are warehouses for the poor and disposed, they are also depositories
of a reserve of superexploitable labor.
Not only does the prison industry provide money and jobs to impoverished areas,
but it also provide opportunities for industries to take advantage of the
prisoners by putting them to work at superlow wages. In turn, the money
prisoners earn is shuffled back into the prison system as prisoners purchase
necessities and pay exorbitant fees for telephone usage.
Private prison companies house more than 100,000 U.S. prisoners. According to a
Centre for Research on Globalization report in 2001, prisoners make on the
average $.22 per hour and can work up to 40 hours per week.
The growth of prison labor continues, along with growth in the prison
industrial complex as a whole, which is more and more privatized. This crime is
perpetrated against workers and oppressed nationalities at alarming rates, and
in an era of capitalist decline it will only grow worse.
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