Bush’s Olympic event
Published Aug 6, 2008 9:30 PM
With the Olympics set to open Aug. 8 in Beijing— demonstrating to the
world, more than anything else, the tremendous advances made by 1.3 billion
Chinese people after they liberated themselves from colonialist slavery with a
1949 socialist revolution—we were astonished to learn that George Bush
was going to lecture the Chinese about human rights on the eve of the
Perhaps “astonished” is an exaggeration. The Bush gang has been so
shameless in describing its worldwide war crimes as acts of
“liberation” that nothing out of Washington can astonish any
thinking human regarding its arrogance and hypocrisy.
Before allowing Bush one word against China, let’s review the Bush
gang’s record regarding human rights, freedom of the press and
repression. Leave aside for the moment the question of war, aggression,
occupation and slaughter, verging on genocide, in Iraq and Afghanistan. The
Chinese, by the way, have no record of interventions outside their border for
the last 25 years, for any reason.
We remind the world of the following key words and names:
Abu Ghraib. Bagram. Guantánamo. The names of these U.S.-run
prisons in occupied Iraq, occupied Afghanistan and an illegally occupied piece
of Cuba, respectively, have become synonymous with U.S. prison abuse and
Rendition. Prevented from legally using torture on U.S. soil, the Bush
administration has globalized it, outsourcing the procedure to client states
where committing these atrocities have little chance of getting the torturers
into trouble, either now or in the future.
Waterboarding. Alberto Gonzales. A torture technique the Bush attorney
general refused to admit is a torture technique.
Raids against immigrant workers. Detention centers as modern
concentration camps. Separating parents from their children. Now applied by a
government police agency with the acronym ICE against thousands and thousands
of immigrants that U.S.-based capitalists were happy to hire at low wages and
to prevent from forming labor unions.
The prison-industrial complex. There are 2.3 million people in U.S.
prisons and jails.Disproportionately Black, Latin@ and Native, reflecting
institutional racism. In total, more imprisoned here than there are in the
prisons of China, with its far larger population.
Journalists killed in record numbers in Iraq. Washington doesn’t
have to censor the news of the war. The Pentagon simply orders a tank unit to
murder the messenger.
Bush will tell lots of lies on the eve of the Olympics. Let’s do our best
to expose them.
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