From Mumia Abu-Jamal on death row
The beating of Black lawyers
Published Jul 22, 2007 9:39 PM
No matter who we are or where we live, folks in Black America have grown up
with the lesson of the importance of education as a tool of social
That’s why lawyers are generally so highly regarded in many Black
communities, as people who have undergone years of legal education.
But that respect doesn’t go far beyond the community.
Cops in Brooklyn, N.Y., recently showed what they thought of lawyers by beating
them up!
Well-known human rights attorney Michael Tarif Warren, and his wife Evelyn
(also a lawyer), were driving down Brooklyn’s Vanderbilt Avenue when they
spotted a Black youth being chased by cops across a McDonald’s parking
lot. [The youth was later identified as Latino—WW]
The youngster was tackled to the ground and handcuffed, when the Warrens saw a
Sgt. Talvy begin kicking him in the head, the ribs, and stomping on his
The two attorneys stopped their car, walked within 10 feet of the beating,
identified themselves as lawyers, and told the cops to stop beating the youth
and simply take him to the nearest precinct.
The sergeant’s response was to shout, “I don’t give a f - - k
who you are. Get the f - - k back in your car!”
The Warrens returned to the car, where Michael began to write down notes of
what he saw and the license plate numbers of the cop cars present.
Before he could finish his notes, Sgt. Talvy walked up to the car and began to
repeatedly punch him through the window, shouting “Get out of the
Warren was then dragged out of his car, his clothes ripped in the process.
His wife, obviously upset at these events, demanded to know why he was attacked
and was promptly punched in the face by this same cop!
Both Warrens were arrested and driven to the 77th Precinct and charged with
obstruction, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.
Within hours hundreds of Brooklynites converged on the precinct, demanding the
release of the Warrens. People came from all walks of life, for Tarif has a
long history, almost 30 years, of representing people who have been victims of
police or prosecutorial misconduct in the city.
Groups like the December 12th Movement, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, the
International Action Center and many others quickly mobilized support for the
In an interview in the New York Daily Challenge, Evelyn Warren spoke for many
people when she said, “We are professionals. If they do this to us in
broad daylight on a crowded street, what do they do in the dark when no one is
around? That’s what I’m concerned about.”
She and others called not only for the removal of Talvy, but of Police
Commissioner Raymond Kelly as well.
When Black lawyers are beaten in the streets, what about average folks? What
about you?
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