Education under U.S. capitalism
Caleb T. Maupin
Baldwin-Wallace College FIST
Published Mar 28, 2007 11:37 PM
The myth that the schools are controlled by leftists is purported daily by the
ultra-right. Sneering, loudmouth voices of the powers that be, like Bill
O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, bombard their audiences with the message that
the educational system in the United States is “anti-American” and
“liberal dominated.”
Nothing could be further from the truth. U.S. schools are tools of the
capitalist bosses. They are part of what the great revolutionary Vladmir Lenin
called a “machinery of oppression.” U.S. schools reflect all the
oppression, racism, sexism, homophobia and class division that U.S. capitalism
has to offer.
Repression of student dissent
All across the country students who dare express progressive views are
suppressed. The Supreme Court recently heard the case of Morse v. Frederick.
Joseph Frederick is a student at a high school in Alaska who held a sign
reading “Bong Hits 4 Jesus.” The sign was conceived as a statement
opposing the prohibition of marijuana, which puts thousands of people in prison
each year.
The principal of his high school immediately ripped the banner down and
Frederick was suspended. Frederick wasn’t even on school grounds or at a
school function. He was on a public sidewalk outside his school expressing his
thoughts, one of the rights we are supposed to have in this
In January, St. Francis High School in St. Paul, Minn. did not permit the
school newspaper to print a picture of a ripped U.S. flag. (AP, Jan. 21) The
new code of conduct for New York City public schools allows for students to be
punished with up to 90 days suspension for statements they make outside of
school, even on the Internet. (Student Press Law Center, Sept. 28, 2006)
In Richland County, Wis., students were forced to attend a pro-Bush rally
during the 2004 election. When parents asked if the children had any choice
about attending the rally, the school secretary initially told them the
students could “stay home.” Students were told if they wore
anything critical of Bush to the rally, including John Kerry buttons, they
risked expulsion. ( An elementary school in Topeka, Kan.,
banned traditional Halloween costumes in 2001 and required all students to wear
costumes with “patriotic themes.” (Topeka Capital-Journal, Oct. 24,
2001) Students at San Fernando Valley High in California were not permitted to
hang posters for their school play in 2005 because they mocked President Bush.
(AP, May 29, 2005)
The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a bill in 2001 requiring
students to recite the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem, unless
they have a signed letter from their parents. (
Homophobia High
The U.S. educational system is clearly a breeding ground for anti-LGBT
(lesbian, gay, bi and trans) bigotry, which runs rampant on campuses as part of
capitalist educational policy. Books with LGBT themes are frequently banned
from classrooms. The most banned book of 2005 was “It’s Perfectly
Normal,” a sex education book that deals with homosexuality.
( In 2006 Davis High School in Yakima, Wash., banned
the production of the play “The Laramie Project,” which powerfully
portrays the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepherd, claiming it
“promotes homosexuality.” (Yakima Herald-Republic, Oct. 6,
A student at Troy High School in California was fired as editor of the school
paper for writing an article that profiled three gay students and allowed them
to speak openly about their sexuality. (Student Press Law Center, Apr. 20,
2006) The California legislature recently passed a law to make anti-LGBT
language in school textbooks illegal, but the governor refused to sign it.
(Sacramento Bee, Sept. 7, 2006)
Hampton University, one of the “small liberal arts colleges” which
are seen as an epicenter for the conspiracy theories of leftist domination,
will not allow a campus LGBT organization to form on its campus. (Foundation
for Individual Rights in Education, Feb. 22) In 2005, the college actually
considered expelling students for passing out literature and hanging flyers
that advocated the impeachment of Bush. (Inside Higher Ed, Nov. 20, 2005)
The California Safe Schools Coalition reports that 27.4 percent of California
students experience anti-gay harassment at school. ( Forty-six
percent of the students felt that their schools were not safe for LGBT
students. (
National oppression
Even though the schools play such a good role for the people who run this
system, they are still greatly under funded, especially in the oppressed
communities. The schools that receive the worst funding, and are therefore in
the worst condition, are the schools that are attended by the youth of
nationally oppressed communities. The schools of Harlem, of Cleveland, of Los
Angeles suffer greatly.
Students in the inner cities go to schools that do not even have enough books
or desks, while the schools of the rich are packed with swimming pools,
multiple basketball courts, science labs and libraries filled with quality
up-to-date research materials. Meanwhile, billions of dollars more are spent on
bombs, on machine guns, on missiles and such. Billions more are spent on
building prisons to lock away the youth, after they have grown up in a society
that doesn’t even provide them with a decent education.
Today’s schools are packed with police. Drug searches in which the school
is locked down and the hallways are patrolled by canine units, have become
commonplace. Courts have upheld the “right” for students to be
randomly drug tested. The hope is to strike terror into students, letting them
know that at any time they may be accompanied by a school staff member into the
restroom and forced to urinate into a cup.
The New York Civil Liberties Union released a report that documented that New
York Police Department officers, stationed in the schools, frequently
“curse at students,” “confiscate students school supplies and
lunches,” and do not even respect the authority of the school
administration. It seems the schoolyard bullies of the past have been replaced
by the same forces that brutally killed Sean Bell and Amadou Diallo. The report
stated: “If you treat children like criminals, they will fulfill those
expectations. The stakes are too high to allow these policies to
Bias in facts
The most important thing that schools can teach students about U.S. history,
the glorious history of class struggle, has been cut out of the curriculum. The
book “Lies My Teacher Told Me” documents how topics as important as
the anti-war movement of the 1960s and 1970s and the militant anti-racist
movements are unknown to many students.
When students learn of the Vietnam War, they do not see images of the charred
bodies of Vietnamese children or the streets filled with militant youth ready
to bring it to a halt. When students learn of the civil rights movement, they
do not see the images of civil rights marchers being clubbed or run down by
fire hoses, and they do not learn of how the FBI coerced Martin Luther King and
urged him to commit suicide. When students learn of organized labor, they do
not learn of the workers taking over their plants; they do not learn of the
great Teamsters strike, the Haymarket rebellion, or of the positive role that
socialists and communists played in organizing the people for a better
world—not just in labor, but in all fields of social progress.
Frequently military recruiters are invited into social studies and history
classes to give students lectures about political issues, indoctrinate the
students with the military party-line, and encourage students to donate their
bodies to imperialist wars of plunder.
What the schools are
The schools, under the capitalist system, function as a tool of the capitalist
rulers. They educate students to be good workers who labor on behalf of the
bosses. Students are repressed and taught not to raise their heads. LGBT
students, as well as students from oppressed nationalities, face
institutionalized bullying and repression. Armed police patrol the halls
harassing students. School textbooks teach students a fraudulent history of
this country, which ignores the ugliness of capitalism and the heroism of
everyday working people. Many schools are not even adequately funded, while the
government spends billions to rain death on the peoples of Iraq, Palestine and
Afghanistan with bloody occupations.
But imagine what schools could be in a different society. Imagine schools that
are not run by corrupt bureaucrats who are owned by capitalist politicians and
serve their system. Imagine the schools that would exist in a workers
state—a society where the working people are in power, and fighting to
make life better for everyone, not trying to maximize the profits of a few.
This is to imagine a new socialist world.
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