Puerto Rican Independence Party protests FBI attacks on activists and the
Tom Soto
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Published Feb 22, 2006 12:03 AM
Some 500 protesters
blocked the entrance to the U.S. Federal Courthouse here on Feb. 20 to denounce
recent FBI raids against the homes and workplaces of
“independentistas”—supporters of Puerto Rican
independence—and the growing repression by the FBI against the
independence movement in general.
FBI agent sprays pepper gas.
For many blocks on Chardon St. (Calle
Chardón) where the Federal Court is hous ed all that could be seen was a
sea of green flags with a white cross—the flags of the Puerto Rican
Independence Party (PIP), the initiators of today’s
Present at the activity was Elma Beatriz Rosado, widow of
Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, assassinated by the FBI on Sept. 23. Ojeda
Ríos was the leader of the Ejército Popular
Boricua—Macheteros (Popular Puerto Rican Army—the
Today’s protests were stimulated by the FBI raids of
Feb. 10, when hundreds of agents invaded the homes and offices of
pro-independence activists, seizing property including computers and the mailing
lists of pro-independence organizations. At the home of Liliana Laboy, the FBI
attacked a crowd that gathered outside her apartment, spraying everyone with
pepper gas, including members of the media.
The Puerto Rican Inde pendence
Party, which is an electoral Party, mobilized its committees from all over the
Island. PIP delegations from as far away as Maya guez, Cabo Rojo, and Arecibo
were present at the demonstration. Present at the activity were all the national
leaders of the PIP, including its president, Rubén Berríos,
Senator María de Lourdes Santiago and House of Repre sen ta tives member
Víctor García San Inocencio.
From many blocks away marchers
could be heard chanting: “Dile No, Dile No—A la Colonia Dile
No” (We Say No, We Say No—We Say No to Colonialism), “El
Tribunal Federal—Lo Tenemos Que Sacar” (The Federal Court, Has to Be
Kicked Out) and “FBI Fascistas—Ver daderos Terror istas (FBI
Fascists—The Real Terrorists). The island nation of Puerto Rico has been a
colony of the U.S. since 1898, when it was seized as a territorial possession
during the Spanish-American War.
Marchers carried many banners and
placards, some of which read: “FBI Ase sinos, Gobierno Colonial
Complice” (FBI Assassins, the Colonial Gov ern ment is an Accomplice),
“No al FBI—No a la Colonia” (No to the FBI—No to
Colonialism), and “Como en Vieques—Unidos Ven cere mos” (As
In Vieques—United We Will Win). The last slogan refers to the successful
strug gle waged by the Puerto Rican people that ousted the U.S. Navy from the
island of Vieques.
According to PIP leaders, today’s demo nstration
marks the beginning of a campaign to get the FBI out of Puerto Rico. The Puerto
Rican Independence Party is planning another larger activity to take place
during the World Classic of Baseball in San Juan on March 7.
demonstration was supported by other organizations, which included Rompiendo El
Perímetro (Breaking the Perimeters), Comité en Apoyo a Vieques
(Committee in Support of Vieques), and El Frente Socialista (Socialist Front).
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