‘Bamako Appeal’ promotes struggle against market-driven society
John Catalinotto
Bamako, Mali
Published Jan 27, 2006 11:01 PM
Malians protest the privatization of the Dakar-Niger railroad Jan. 19 in Bamako, Mali, at opening march of World Social Forum.
WW photo: John Catalinotto
A group of about 80
anti-globalization intellectuals and political activists, including Marxist
economists and organizers, came together to meet on Jan. 18-19 in Bamako, Mali,
just before the polycentric World Social Forum opened in this city. The
gathering, which was not an official WSF activity but whose invitees also
participated in many WSF discussions, issued a statement at the end of the
meeting: the Bamako Appeal.
The appeal involves promoting discussion and
action on a series of points outlining major problems for humanity. These
include the need to build a workers’ united front and to struggle against
imperialist domination and U.S. military hegemony; the problems of peasant
societies under threat of destruction from subsidized competition; democratic
management of media and cultural diversity; and the struggle against neoliberal
and market-driven policies.
One of the Bamako Appeal’s major goals
is to promote solidarity among work ers and progressives in the imperialist
countries and the peoples’ movements in the oppressed countries. The
appeal says the participants “have expressed their concern with the task
of defining alternate goals of development, creating a balance of societies,
abolishing exploitation by class, gender, race and caste, and marking the route
to a new relation of forces between North and South.”
economist and head of the Third World Forum Samir Amin, who is a professor at
the University of Dakar in Mali’s neighbor Senegal, had called this
pre-WSF gathering a “Peoples’ Bandung Conference” to mark the
50th anniversary of the 1955 conference of non-aligned nations held in Bandung,
Indonesia. Some of the Malian political leaders working on the WSF hosted and
participated in the conference. They included former Minister of Culture Aminata
Among the 80 people participating in the pre-WSF discussions were
Bernard Founou-Tchuigoua and Babacar Diop Buuba, both university professors in
Dakar, Senegal; former member of the European Parliament Miguel Urbano Rodrigues
of Portugal; Chilean political journalist Marta Harnecker; Lebanese-French
editor Leila Ghanem; and the organizer of the rebelion.org website Luciano
Also there were Wen Tiejun and Jinhua Dai of Peking University;
editor-in-chief Isobel Monal of the Cuban magazine “Marx Now”;
Brazilian radical economist Paolo Nakatini and Communist Party of Brazil
representative Jose Reinaldo Car valho; French economist Remy Herrera;
trade-union expert Ingmar Lindberg of Sweden; Antonio Tujan of the Philippine
Institute of Political Economy; Mamdouh Habashi of the Anti-Globa lization Egyp
tian Group; and John Bellamy Foster, editor of Monthly Review from the United
Ignacio Ramonet of Le Monde Diplo matique, Bernard Cassen of
Attac-France and anti-globalization author Susan George, who have been closely
connected with all prior major social forums, also spoke.
Along with the
invited guests, there were also some groups of youths from some of the former
French colonies, in particular Senegal, Benin and Togo. Some of the Cuban
medical and other aid workers in Mali also participated.
To carry out the
discussion the larger group split up into 10 different committees. These held
intense discussions for about three hours each, five committees at a time. Some
of the committees decided to try to set up permanent watchdog commissions, such
as “imperialism watch” and “ecology
Alarcon asks for anti-imperialist
Cuban National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon took part in
the discussions too. He made some practical suggestions. One was that the Bamako
Appeal have as its goal not simply to set up an anti-imperialist forum that
outlines a program or spreads ideas, but that it also organize for coordinated
anti-imperialist actions.
The Bamako Appeal does call for some actions.
Among them is support for the March 18-19 worldwide days of anti-occupation
The call says it aims “to reinforce the movement
protesting against war and occupations, as well as expressing solidarity with
the people in fight in the hot spots of the planet. In this respect, it would be
very important that the world demonstration against the war in Iraq and the
military presence in Afghanistan envisaged for March 18-19, 2006, coincide
* the prohibition of the use and the manufacture of the nuclear
weapons and destruction of all the existing arsenals;
* the dismantling of
all the military bases existing outside of national territory, in particular the
base at Guantanamo;
* the immediate closing of all the prisons of the
The appeal also calls for solidarity with Palestine and for
being on guard to stop U.S. intervention against Venezuela and Bolivia.
summary, the “Bamako Appeal, built around the broad themes discussed in
subcommittees, expresses the will to:
(i) Construct an internationalism
joining the peoples of the South and the North who suffer the ravages engendered
by the dictatorship of financial markets and by the uncontrolled global
deployment of the transnational firms;
(ii) Construct the solidarity of
the peoples of Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas confronted with challenges
of development in the 21st century;
(iii) Construct a political, economic
and cultural consensus that is an alternative to militarized and neoliberal
globalization and to the hegemony of the United States and its
Catalinotto represented the International Action Center
at the pre-WSF meetings.
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