What makes imperialism a ‘colossus with feet of clay’
Published Apr 27, 2006 8:26 AM
The material below is part of a longer document on "Reviving Marx &
Lenin" written by Fred Goldstein of the Workers World Party Secretariat in
preparation for the May 13-14 Party conference. This section deals with
the effects of the high-tech revolution on the working
The bosses embraced the high-tech revolution for its own
sake, apart from the military application, because the capitalist economy and
their profits were stagnating. The German and Japanese imperialists were getting
back onto their feet and cutting deeply into the world market share of the U.S.
The late Sam Marcy, chairperson and founder of Workers World
Party, in a very important book entitled “High Tech, Low Pay: A Marxist
Analysis of the Changing Character of the Working Class,” published back
in 1986, analyzed this earlier stage of the high-tech revolution and its effect
on the working class in the United States.
In a section devoted to its
effect on the unions, he traced the phases of the devel op ment of the
productive forces under capit a lism from the manufacturing phase of simple
cooperation to the industrial revolution and large-scale machinery, to mass
production, what is known as “Fordism” or assembly line production,
in the early 20th century. He then described the high-tech
“This [mass production] stage has now given way to another
phase of technological development. The mass production period, which began with
Ford and continued for a period of time after the Second World War, was
characterized by expansion. But the current stage, the scientific-technological
stage, while continuing some of the earlier tendencies of development, contracts
the work force.
“Like all previous stages of capitalist development,
the current phase is based on the utilization of workers as labor power. But its
whole tendency is to diminish the labor force while attempting to increase
production. The technological revolution is therefore a quantum jump which
requires revolutionary strategy to overcome.”
Marx’s studies
had showed that the advance of capitalist technology subor di nat ed the workers
more and more to the machine, made work more and more mono tonous, increased the
division of labor and reduced the skills of the workers. The final result was to
lower the wages of more and more workers by setting them in competition with one
another, all to increase the profits of capital. The high-tech revolution, Marcy
showed, has accorded completely with Marx’s analysis.
Marcy noted
the decline of manufacturing jobs and the growth of service jobs. But he did not
simply talk about them as a bourgeois category. The main aspect of the shift
from manufacturing to service was, for the vast majority of workers forced into
this change, a shift from high-wage jobs to low-wage jobs.
character of the working class
Marcy promoted various
tactics and strategies for the struggle against the anti-labor assault, many of
which are completely applicable today. But also important were the sociological
observations he made and the political conclusions he drew. “It is this
highly significant shift from the higher paid to the lower paid which is
dramatically changing the social composition of the working class, greatly
increasing the importance of the so-called ethnic composition of the working
class, that is, the number of Black, Latin, Asian, women and other oppressed
groups, particularly the millions of undocumented workers...”
changed social composition of the working class—both from the point of
view of the growing numerical significance of the oppressed and the increasing
preponderance of low-wage workers over the higher-paid, more privileged
workers—matters “a great deal,” wrote Marcy, “because in
terms of political struggle, the objective basis is laid for political
leadership to be assumed by the more numerous segment of the class. ...”
“While it continues to ravage the living standards of the workers,
at the same time it lays the objective basis for the politicization of the
workers, for moving in a more leftward direction and for organization on a broad
The tendency of imperialism to build up the privileged
layers of the working class at home, which Lenin had observed, was already in
the 1980s beginning to be counteracted by the application of automation,
robotization and new industrial pro cesses, mini-mills, etc., as the higher-paid
workers in heavy industry—steel, auto, rubber, electric, the bastions of
the AFL-CIO—were being undermined by capitalist technology and being
pushed into the lower-paying service industries or long-term unemployment.
Marcy and other communists were rightfully anticipating that the
high-tech assault on the workers would lead to an upsurge of the class struggle.
The basis for this prognosis was both subjective and objective. The process of
pauperization of the working class would project the more militant sections of
the workers forward, while the increase in the productivity of labor would
intensify capitalist overproduction and accelerate an economic
Collapse of USSR & extension of high-tech
However, the collapse of the USSR and Eastern Europe and
the opening up of China to capitalist investment served as powerful
counterweights to an up surge. From the political point of view, imperialism in
general and U.S. imperialism in particular, as the principal adversary of the
USSR and socialism, no longer had to contend with a rival social system. The
ruling class could drop all pretense of being for the people, of being against
racism and oppression, and of allowing labor a “seat at the table.”
The demise of the USSR, in addition to demoralizing militants in the labor
movement and the movement in general, removed all inhibitions of the capitalist
establishment and strengthened the right-wing assault.
President Clinton
teamed up with the Republicans to swell the capitalist treasury by destroying
the welfare system, which had originated in the New Deal, and plunged millions
into deeper poverty—mostly women and their children. Clinton and Newt
Gingrich teamed up again in a crucial bloc to pass NAFTA (which was first
proposed by Reagan), deepening the attack on the workers in the U.S. and Canada
and on the workers and peasants of Mexico.
Global runaway shops:
off-shoring & outsourcing revolution
The growing division of labor
in the production process allowed its segmentation on a world basis.
Commodities—everything from Boeing 737s to amusement park equipment to
Barbie dolls—were now being produced in what the bourgeoisie calls
“global production networks” and “global value chains.”
Labor power was drawn into the process of expanded capitalist exploitation and
super-exploitation from around the globe and distributed in such a way as to
squeeze the most surplus value out of a growing low-wage global
Off-shoring (moving to or setting up in low-wage countries
industries that had pre viously paid high or even moderate wages in the
imperialist countries) and outsourcing (contracting out what were or would have
been high-wage jobs to contractors in low-wage countries) is gathering momentum
in the board rooms of corporations.
This is what the labor movement used
to call “runaway shops,” that fled to either break up or prevent
unionization. For example, the unionized textile and shoe industries in New
England fled to non-union, low-wage states in the South. But with the
opportunity for even lower wages, these capitalists, based on the high-tech
revolution, have now fled abroad to Asia, the Caribbean, Central America and
elsewhere to escape from even the low wages of the southern United
The early phase of off-shoring and outsourcing based upon the new
technology was aimed principally at manufacturing. But while the war against
manufacturing continues, the outsourcing and off-shoring of digitalization and
communications technology is rapidly spreading to the service industry. Call
centers and computer programming are the most widely known examples of this
But now, in addition, research and devel opment, engineering,
much so-called “back office” work in industrial companies, the
insurance, financial and other services are all eligible. Everything from
reading x-rays to dental laboratory work, i.e., virtually every type of job that
can be shipped out or digitalized and that does not require person-to-person
contact, is either already being outsourced or its outsourcing is being
contemplated. By one estimate, somewhere in the vicinity of 14 million service
jobs in the U.S. are eligible for being moved overseas.
This has been
accompanied by a revolution in communications—satellites, cell phones and
fiber optics; in transportation—giant freighters powered by powerful gas
turbine engines, jumbo cargo jets, automated ports and containerization; and
sophisticated servers and databases. The export of capital that Lenin observed
as being so prominent a feature of imperialism has taken giant leaps forward as
a result of these new expanded opportunities for exploitation and super-profits.
Each monopolist grouping must pursue this course in the struggle for profit,
lest it be overtaken and destroyed by its rivals.
Right-wing turn in
the capitalist state part of anti-labor offensive
This development
was completely integrated with and strengthened by an historic right-wing
reorientation of the capitalist state, beginning at the end of the Carter
administration and taking on a full head of steam under Reagan. The bosses went
sharply and ruthlessly from a policy of class compromise, forced upon them
during the upsurge of the thirties and continued after the war, to an aggressive
policy of rolling back all social and economic gains of the
President Jimmy Carter began the right-wing turn with major cuts
in welfare, a military build-up, and his infamous statement that “Life is
unfair,” referring to the denial of federal funds to poor women for
abortions. The new regime was dramatized by the planned ambush to break up the
air traffic controllers’ union, PATCO. The PATCO attack, which was carried
out by Reagan, had been planned under Carter. Reagan cut social services by $750
billion, cut taxes for the rich by an equal amount, and began a $2 trillion
military buildup, the so-called “full court press” against the USSR.
He also inaugurated the policy of neoliberalism abroad, while in fact carrying
out the same neoliberal austerity programs and removal of obstacles to capital
at home.
The anti-labor offensive has been carried out by Republican and
Democratic administrations for almost three decades now. It is still going
strong. Witness the latest assault on the UAW and the airlines unions. And it
has been greatly strengthened by the global reorganization of capitalism under
the impact of the scientific-technological revolution.
The export of
capital, high tech, and the working class today
This new stage of
high-tech reorganization is profoundly significant for the class struggle in the
U.S. and other imperialist countries, along the very lines that Marcy indicated
in his book “High Tech, Low Pay.” The new reorganization of
capitalist manufacturing and services on a global basis has allowed imperialism
access to a vast reservoir of labor in India, China, the ASEAN countries, Latin
America, the Carib bean, parts of Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, and even
low-wage parts of Western Europe.
The initial effect of this development
upon the proletariat of the U.S., Europe and Japan, is to set them in direct
competition, job for job, with workers being super-exploited on a neocolonial
level. In the past era of imperialism, when colonial and neocolonial labor was
largely restricted to mining, plantations and transport—that is, to
supplying raw materials and agricultural products to the imperialist centers for
manufacturing, processing and distribution—it was impossible for the
monopolies to set up direct competition in manufacturing, let alone services,
between the workers in “their own countries,” as Lenin put it, and
their colonial wage slaves. The productive process had to reach the level of
development at which, for example, low- wage workers in Brazil could be employed
to assemble a dashboard, which could then be shipped to Detroit to be placed in
a “kit” of sub-assemblies containing most or all the parts of the
car, and then ship ped to China for final assembly and sale.
This is what
the high-tech revolution has wrought. It has changed everything for the workers
of the world. The bosses, once having seen the profit possibilities inherent in
their technology, have plunged ahead at breakneck speed to develop and spread it
to every facility and process in every crevice of the globe possible. It has
detonated a new wave of intense competition among the giant monopolies for
profit advantage, in which the further intensification of the exploitation of
the working class everywhere is the goal.
The inevitable effect of this
process is to further lower wages in the U.S. and the imperialist countries in
general. Wages for most workers in the U.S. have been either stagnant or
declining relative to inflation for almost three decades now. With each new
recession it is harder and harder for the high-tech, off-shoring, outsourcing
capitalist economy to absorb labor power and create jobs. And each boom ends up
with greater economic inequality.
While service jobs are being outsourced
in increasing numbers, manufacturing jobs are still being destroyed by high
tech. One consequence of the destruction of union manufacturing jobs is the
intensification of national oppression. It has been shown that one of the
principal means for African-American workers to lift themselves up out of
poverty was through semi-skilled industrial jobs. The decline in auto, steel,
rubber and other industrial sectors is taking a disproportionately heavy toll on
Black workers. The increasing proportion of women in the workforce is a direct
result of the lowering of wages for jobs of all sorts. The trend is fed not only
by the increased number of jobs open to women as a result of high tech but also
because more families need a minimum of two wage earners just to make ends meet.
Furthermore, the feminization of the workforce on a worldwide scale is growing
as the bosses set up their international production networks, many of which
include sweatshops. The struggle for women’s rights and the class struggle
are bound to reinforce each other and give a new energy to the global class
Imperialism without colonies
This new phase of
imperialism, however, has another side that is highly significant and overlooked
in the West. It pertains to so-called “neoliberalism.”
development of neocolonialism as a form of imperialism without colonies was made
prominent by Kwame Nkrumah, the late president of Ghana, who was overthrown in a
military coup in 1966 that many suspected was organized by the CIA. Nkrumah was
a radical leader of the anti-colonial movement, an ardent anti-imperialist and
an advocate of African unity in the form of Pan Africanism. One of his most
renowned works, published in 1965, was entitled “Neocolonialism: the Last
Stage of Imperialism.”
In the introduction to his work, which was an
important contribution to bringing Lenin’s imperialism up to date, Nkrumah
“The neocolonialism of today represents imperialism in its
final and perhaps most dangerous stage. In the past it was possible to convert a
country upon which a neocolonial regime had been imposed—Egypt in the 19th
century is an example—into a colonial territory. Today this process is no
longer feasible. Old-fashioned colonialism is by no means entirely abolished. It
still constitutes an African problem, but it is everywhere in retreat. Once a
territory has become nominally independent it is no longer possible, as it was
in the last century, to reverse the process. Existing colonies may linger on,
but no new colonies will be created. In place of colonialism as the main
instrument of imperialism we have today neocolonialism.
“The essence
of neocolonialism is that the State which is subject to it is, in theory,
independent and has all the outward trappings of international sovereignty. In
reality its economic system and thus its political policy is directed from the
This was written in the era of decolonization, when the
imperialists were trying to fly under the radar and hold on to influence in the
dozens of former colonies that were being formally declared independent and were
joining the United Nations. The old colonial powers made a strategic political
retreat in the face of the post-war anti-colonial wave. This retreat was
hastened by the triumph of the Chinese Revolution; the armed struggles in Korea,
Algeria and Cuba, and the nationalist uprisings in Egypt, Iraq and other places.
Seen in this light, what is today called neoliberalism is in fact an aggressive
form of neocolonialism, in which the underdeveloped countries of the world are
forced into becoming platforms for world capitalist production by the
monopolies, suppliers of cheap labor and havens for investments by finance
capital of all types.
The IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade
Organization are the enfor cers of neocolonialism, the battering rams that break
down all obstacles to the unobstructed penetration of imperialist capital
investment and commerce by forced agreements to surrender their economic
sovereignty. Under neocolonialism the dependent regimes become tax collectors
for the big banks and yield up the super-profits, of the type that Lenin refer
red to when he was describing the export of finance capital during the earlier
stage of imperialism and direct colonial rule. Nkrumah’s early description
of countries that “have all the trappings of international
sovereignty” but are “directed from outside” is as widely
applicable now as it was then.
The neoliberal destruction of all barriers
to investment and trade is the political-legal foundation for the high-tech
reorganization of capitalist production by the transnational corporations and
the banks. But while this reorganization of the export of capital has assisted
in disorganizing the workers in the imperialist countries, it is destined to
have the opposite effect in the underdeveloped, the neocolonial and oppressed
countries. Indeed, this new phase of imperialism has another side, to which the
progressive and leftwing sectors of the labor movement must pay the closest
attention. It helps the proletariat in the low-wage countries to develop
numerically and socially, and it helps them become cohesive as a class. It helps
those drawn into the workforce to escape unemployment and rural poverty and puts
them in a position to organize as workers. The newly developed proletariat is
most susceptible to class consciousness and militancy once it gets organized.
(The newly proletarianized peasantry was the basis of the Russian Revolution and
the vanguard of the Chinese Revolution.)
This capitalist process is bound
to improve the workers’ level of organization and their ability to carry
on the class struggle. The struggle will enable them to raise their wages and
improve their working conditions and become a leading force in the struggle
against imperialism. Hun dreds of millions of workers are being drawn into
capitalist production and the proletariat is growing numerically on a world
scale. This is the inevitable outcome of the expansion of capital and it is an
objectively favorable development for the future of the global class struggle
and for world socialism.
On the other hand, it will further level the
wages of the upper strata of the working class in the imperialist countries, and
in the U.S. in particular, where the globalization process of capital investment
is pronounced, along with Germany and Japan.
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