Puerto Rico suspends mass layoffs
Tom Soto
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Published Sep 10, 2005 9:14 PM
In September 2004,
Moody’s Investor Services and Standard & Poor’s—two Wall
Street credit rating houses—quietly announ ced they were downgrading the
credit worthiness of Puerto Rico’s government bonds.
cited a government debt of $39.4 billion—up almost $8 billion over the
last 2-1/2 years—that makes Puerto Rico’s per capita debt higher
than crisis-racked Argentina’s. Moody’s also pointed to the
government’s $1.5-billion deficit in the fiscal year 2005 budget, which
began in July.
In February 2005, Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vilá appointed
William Lockwood Benet, “an expert in innovation of economic policy with
experience in privatization transactions and bond issues,” to preside over
Puerto Rico’s Development Bank and to lead the efforts “to
reestablish Puerto Rico’s credit worthiness.” Lockwood’s
“profes sion al experience” included former positions at Banco
Popular of Puerto Rico, Citibank Global Finance, Merrill Lynch and Conservation
Offensive against workers and poor
In July,
Governor Acevedo declared that, due to Puerto Rico’s debt and budget
crisis, his administration had made the “painful and historic
decision” to lay off 40,000 public employees out of a total of
In addition, the government announced that water usage rates
would increase by 128 percent, bus fares by 50 percent and highway tolls by 43
percent. In the last three years the price of electricity has risen 60 percent,
while gasoline prices, even before Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, were at
the all-time high of $3 to $3.20 per gallon. The government has also announced
it will increase yearly car registration fees by 100 percent.
In April,
the University of Puerto Rico, which includes 11 campuses serving 70,000 working
class students, introduced a 40 percent increase in tuition fees. A month-long
student strike failed to revoke the increase, but students are continuing their
With many union contracts coming up for renegotiation, the
governor has ruled out wage increases and has declared he will not sign any
bills that require increased spending. Several labor laws are pending before the
The first immediate victims of the announced cutbacks in
social services were 600 children from the poorest communities whose
government-supported daycare centers were closed.
A developing
atmosphere of struggle
The announced layoffs, the reduction
of social services, and increased prices for basic food stuffs and other
commodities have generated shock, uncertainty and worry among workers and their
The most vocal opposition to the layoffs and cutbacks has come
from the island’s organized labor movement, which is calling for a
fightback campaign.
Unions representing the public employees as well as
other sectors of the economy have denounced the layoffs and cutbacks as
“unjust” and have demanded that the government tax the banks and the
rich instead. They include the Federation of Puerto Rican Workers
(Federación Puerto rriqueña de Trabajadores), the Union of Puerto
Rican Workers (Sindicato Puertorriqueño de Trabajadores), the General
Union of Workers (Unión General de Trabajadores), the Federation of
Teachers (Federación de Maestros), the Electrical Industry Workers Union
(Unión de Trabajadores de la Industria Eléctrica), the Teamsters
(Unión de Tronquistas), and others.
The labor movement has warned
the government that going ahead with its plans for mass layoffs and cutbacks
could provoke a general strike like the one that occurred in 1998, when the
unions paralyzed the country to protest the privatization and sale of the Puerto
Rican Telephone Co.
Forced reduction of working
Though the opposition movement is only beginning, it has been so
quick, sharp and vocal that the government has attempted to dress up its
austerity plan by “asking civic-minded public employees to voluntarily
work four days instead of five.”
All the unions have rejected this
so-called voluntary reduction of working hours, but the governor has insisted
that if public employees don’t participate voluntarily by Sept. 1, the
reduced work schedule will be mandatory.
José González, a
maintenance employee who has worked for 17 years at La Fortaleza (the
governor’s mansion in old San Juan), told the newspaper El Nuevo
Día: “A reduction of 20 percent in my salary would be a serious
blow to my family. ... I earn $449 bi-weekly. Can you imagine removing 20
percent of my salary, with all the loans and bills to pay?”
Puerto Rico, on average, 50 percent of a worker’s salary is committed to
the payment of personal debt.
Unions begin to organize
In August, organized labor began pulling out its members for
noon-hour “warm-up demonstrations” in front of government buildings.
On Friday, Aug. 12, 5,000 public employees and their supporters gathered at the
Capitol Building demanding the intervention of the Legislature to avert the
crisis. They later marched to La Fortaleza under the slogan: “Tax the
Some unions have mobilized delegations to lobby the members
of the Legis lature, pressuring them to approve a tax on bank, corporate and Big
Oil profits, which are at record levels but declared “untouchable”
under the current capitalist model of this colonial economy. But as occurs in
other capitalist countries, the governor blames the Legislature for not
approving his budget, and the Legislature blames the governor for the current
$1.5-billion deficit—all of which is calculated to mask the real problem
and deceive the workers.
Two tendencies in labor
The organized labor movement in Puerto Rico is divided into
two wings. Most public employees directly affected by the layoffs are
represented by unions whose orientation is class-collaboration ist, favoring a
non-struggle approach in the current crisis. Some of these unions are tied to
the AFL-CIO in the United States.
The left wing of the labor movement is
led by the Electrical Industry Workers Union, the Federation of Teachers (the
largest union in P.R.), the Puerto Rican Workers Council, the Teamsters and the
Brotherhood of Exempt and Non-Educational Employees, among others.
unions are more class-conscious and struggle-oriented and are attempting to
forge a fightback alliance within the labor movement. They openly criticize
corruption within the government as well as union bureaucracy. They emphasize
greater worker participation and often form community-labor coalitions to fight
for working class political and economic objectives.
What lies behind
the debt crisis?
Puerto Rico has been economically trans formed since
the Spanish-American War in 1898, when it was invaded by the United States and
taken over as a U.S. colony. Having developed a considerable economic
infrastructure, Puerto Rico has become highly lucrative for foreign
A recent advertisement for the Offshore Corporation explains:
“Puerto Rico provides unparalleled value that no other location can match.
It is a United States community with a foreign tax structure. Here you can enjoy
the benefits and protections of operating within a U.S. jurisdiction with the
added tax benefits of operating under a Controlled Foreign Cor po ration (CFC)
structure. Profits from sales to the U.S. mainland are free from U.S. taxation,
and goods enter the U.S. market duty-free. In addition, Puerto Rico offers a
highly attractive incentives package that includes 100 percent exemption from
multiple taxes; special treatment for pioneer industries and much
“With a 7 percent maximum tax rate, tax deductions and
exemptions, cash grants, and a financial environment with scores of financing
options, Puerto Rico eases the financial burden of your company, making it the
perfect place for profits and growth. The government of the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico is committed to supporting this pro-business view by offering a
wealth of incentives and favorable tax laws combined with cash grants, tax
credits and venture capital initiatives, further enhancing your bottom
Who pays for all the unparalleled “benefits and
incentive packages” for foreign corporations alluded to in this
advertisement? The working people of Puerto Rico do. According to the
Development Bank of Puerto Rico, in the fiscal year 2004 the island’s
Gross Domestic Product was $78.8 billion; of that, $30 billion went straight
into the pockets of U.S. investors. In that same year, per-capita income was
reported at $12,947.
If one looks at the corresponding profits taken out
of Puerto Rico over the previous 107 years of U.S. colonial capitalist
domination, and add that to the debt service to the banks, which is now at $1
billion each year, you begin to understand what is really behind the so-called
debt crisis.
The current struggle being generated by the so-called debt
and fiscal crisis in Puerto Rico is a reflection of the fundamental
contradiction of capitalism: that while the working class collectively produces
all the wealth of society, this wealth is appropriated by a handful of private
corporations and banks.
Due to the enormous pressure exerted by the labor
movement, the government of Puerto Rico thus far has not gone ahead with its
announced plans of mass layoffs.
In late August, Benet, the
“expert” president of Puerto Rico’s Development Bank, suddenly
resigned for “personal reasons.” Two weeks later the government
“found monies it had not included in its original calculations,” and
now claims the deficit is down to $300 million.
We will see what the
Puerto Rican government decides to do, but in the meantime organized labor has
begun to lay the groundwork for any future struggle that may be necessary.
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