Losing hearts, minds and battles in Iraq
John Catalinotto
Published Jun 3, 2005 11:08 PM
U.S. imperialism has already lost its
criminal adventure in Iraq. The remaining question is when the Iraqi people,
with help from anti-war forces all over the world, will overcome the tremendous
disadvantages they face and drive out the occupation troops to liberate
No one questions the Pentagon’s ability to inflict suffering
on Iraqis. The U.S. occupation has already created conditions of over 50-percent
unemployment, of electricity on only one-third of the day in the heat of an
Iraqi summer, of insecurity and danger lurking in every street.
military strategy promoted by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld counted on a
quick victory over the former Iraqi army and government, plus no more than
another month to stabilize Iraq and start exploiting its resources. The U.S.
military was supposed to be ready for its next intervention against Iran or
Syria or North Korea within two months of the invasion of Iraq.
now over two years later. There are 150,000 U.S. troops and tens of thousands of
mercenaries and CIA agents in Iraq—and no stability in sight.
addition, the Pentagon is less and less able to attract volunteers to the Army,
Reserves and National Guard and even the Marines.
The last weekend in May
saw a new U.S. strategy to bring even more misery to the 5.5 million people
living in Baghdad. According to the Iraqi puppet government that recently
managed to take office after its “election” last January, some
40,000 Iraqi troops backed by U.S. forces were to set up 675
“checkpoints” within Baghdad.
Within the neighborhoods, they
would do house-to-house searches for alleged “insurgents.” They will
round up every male between the ages of 15 and 55 and sort them out
Resistance continues
Iraqis suspect the 40,000 number
is an exaggeration, as there are many fewer puppet troops trained for such an
exercise. Ordinary Iraqis in Baghdad call members of the Iraqi National Guard
the “dogs of the Americans.”
So far the military noose around
Baghdad has set off a new wave of resistance attacks on the ING and the
occupation forces. Dozens of soldiers and police have been killed with roadside
explosives, car bombs and even in protracted gun battles, according to
resistance reports and those from independent news sources. The U.S. corporate
media report an Italian helicopter crash with four killed and some deaths of
U.S. soldiers as well as those of more Iraqis.
U.S. military sources
exaggerate their “success” in eliminating what they call
“insurgents”—that is, resistance fighters. Evidence is
beginning to appear that the Pentagon also under-reports U.S.
The following comment appeared in an editorial in the New
York-based Spanish-language daily newspaper El Diario/La Prensa on May
“The official U.S. toll of soldiers killed in Iraq is 1,649. But
El Diario/La Prensa’s review of military documents provided to the
government of Puerto Rico indicates that the death toll is actually much higher,
at 4,076.”
Amnesty International
Not only is U.S.
imperialism losing control of Iraq and exposing its military weakness. It has
completely lost its ability to successfully present itself as bringing democracy
and human rights with military intervention, as it did during its bloody air war
against Yugoslavia in 1999.
Amnesty International was a useful U.S. ally
during the Cold War against the USSR. Now AI has turned its verbal fire on U.S.
policies toward prisoners.
On May 25, Amnesty International USA urged
foreign governments to use international law to investigate Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, former CIA Director George
Tenet, Vice President Dick Cheney and other U.S. “architects of
torture” at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay and other similar
“If those investigations support prosecution, the
governments should arrest any official who enters their territory and begin
legal proceedings against them,” said William Shulz, executive director of
the U.S. branch of AI. Schulz said there is no statute of limitations on crimes
such as torture. So for years to come, the director warned, “the apparent
high-level architects of torture should think twice before planning their next
vacation to places like Acapulco or the French Riviera.”
The United
States has lost the support of all but a handful of Iraqis, it has lost the
morale of its military, and it has lost the propaganda war before the world.
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