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Boston Youth Pride: ‘Use your voice’

Published May 26, 2005 3:59 PM

“Use Your Voice” was the theme of the 11th annual Youth Pride 2005 held here on May 21. And the thousands of lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer-identified youths—including many high-school students and youths of color—gathered in the Boston Commons did just that.

Boston Youth Pride march, May 21.
Leslie Feinberg holding banner on left.

The event, which is state-sponsored but run by the youths themselves, drew people from across Massachusetts, Rhode Island and other nearby states.

They cheered the revolutionary words of Black poet Letta Neely—a call to action.

They roared when Workers World Managing Editor Leslie Feinberg asked, “Is this racist war for empire a youth issue?” Thousands of youths shouted, “Yes!” They cheered her call to boot military recruiters out of their high schools and campuses, and to resist the draft. Most importantly, they raised their voices and applauded the right of the Iraqis to resist, and they thunderously agreed with the demand, “Bring the troops home now!”

Feinberg concluded with a call for young people who want to become a new generation of revolutionaries to check out the youth group FIST—Fight Imperialism, Stand Together. A delegation of FIST youth —lesbian and straight — took part in the rally and march with their placards and banners.

Thousands of youths then filled the wide streets around the Commons and marched past the state legislature building. Many passersby of all ages and nationalities applauded the marchers, who were still raising their voices—chanting “Hey hey, ho ho, homophobia/transphobia has got to go!”

Dowell, a national leader of FIST, will be speaking in Boston on June 4 at a meeting sponsored by Stonewall Warriors, FIST and Workers World Party. For more information, readers can call 617-983-3835.