The Senate and the real John Roberts
Published Sep 17, 2005 10:50 AM
There’s a saying that if something looks like a duck, walks like a duck
and talks like a duck, it probably IS a duck.
John Roberts, George
Bush’s nominee for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, has argued
right-wing causes on just about every significant social and econo mic issue in
this country over the last two decades. He has written right-wing, reactionary
legal position papers and argued right-wing, reactionary legal cases for
right-wing, reactionary administrations. He has made right-wing, reactionary
decisions as a federal judge. A quick check of the websites of the women’s
movement, the civil rights movement and the labor movement will show his
uninterrupted record of reaction.
The chances are—he is a
right-wing reactionary!
This is the real issue that is being finessed
and watered down in the charade called Senate confirmation hearings in
His record begins in 1980, when he was a law clerk for his
racist mentor, Justice William Rehnquist, and opposed affirmative action. It
goes all the way up until July 2005, when he ruled in favor of Donald Rumsfeld
that the Geneva Conventions were null and void for prisoners at
Guantánamo and upheld military tribunals there.
In between he
argued in favor of weakening desegregation laws and the Voting Rights Act,
opposed affirmative action, and argued to increase police powers and reduce
prisoners’ rights.
He opposed Roe vs. Wade and abortion-related
counseling. He defended Operation Rescue’s right to terrorize
women’s health care clinics.
He argued for religion in public
schools, opposed environmentalist opposition to handing over thousands of acres
of public land to mining companies, and voted to curtail the Endangered Species
Roberts argued to protect corporations from expanding workers’
benefits and defended the right of the National Mining Association to blow the
tops off mountains in West Virginia. He defended Fox Television and Rupert
Murdoch against charges of monopoly.
He defended anti-union criminal
contempt fines against striking miners. He argued that workers with carpal
tunnel syndrome were not protected by the Americans with Disabilities
With such a horrendous record, the hearings in the Senate should be
quite simple. If this were not a club of millionaires, the exposures and
questions would be straight forward. Roberts would be charged as anti-woman,
racist, anti-labor, anti-environment and a tool of big business.
instead the hearings are loaded with legal terminology, citations of court cases
and loads of Latin legal ese. It takes a great deal of legal and political
background to comprehend what is really going on in the Senate. Mostly it is a
carefully staged debate, after which everyone in both parties expects that
Roberts will be confirmed.
The hearings are being conducted by
millionaires on the Senate Judiciary Committee, most of whom are lawyers and are
about as far away from the workers and the oppressed as the moon. They allow
Roberts to not answer questions. They let him plead in case after case involving
his reactionary writings, arguments or rulings that he was just working for an
administration or a client. This is equivalent to the argument that every
low-level indicted war criminal makes: “I was just following
Roberts enthusiastically carried out those orders and
perfected the reactionary missions assigned him by Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and
his corporate clients. He is fully responsible for the suffering and denial of
rights caused by his participation in reactionary decisions.
Most of the
politicians in both parties are happy because Roberts gave them an out. Knowing
that Roe vs. Wade would be an important part of the battle to come, he
immediately declared himself in favor of the right to privacy. If he was
signaling to the ruling class that he would not overturn Roe vs. Wade, he made
himself a more acceptable tool of reaction. To directly overrule the legal right
to abortion might cause a social explosion. To implement his anti-abortion views
all he has to do is to continue to erode the right with rulings on parental
consent, restriction of government funding, etc., and uphold numerous state
statutes that chip away at reproductive rights for women.
But regardless
of Roberts’s right-wing intentions, the Supreme Court is not likely to
determine the fate of society in the coming period. The exposure of the naked
racism and disregard of the masses of people affected by the Gulf
hurricane—combined with the growth in poverty, the decline in income, the
gathering momentum of a monumental health care crisis, increasing opposition to
the costly occupation in Iraq, and the general decline of the conditions of the
workers and oppressed—all point in the direction of a coming up surge of
struggle. This struggle is what will determine the future, not reactionary
Supreme Court judges.
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